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The Most Effective Ways You Should Do When Your Child Is Overweight

According to Tamara Melton, a dietician and instructor at Georgia University, kids have specific nutritional needs for healthy growth and development. Because of this, you should consider working with your child’s pediatrician to ensure that he loses weight in the right way. However, you can also use the expert tips below to help your child through a healthy weight loss journey.

Choose the Right Milestone for Weight Loss for Overweight Kids

Melton argues that kids need to either gain at a slower rate or maintain their current weight. If he is already a teenager, then he can lose a pound or two during his weight loss journey. Getting the help of a pediatrician when your child becomes obese is an excellent idea. With professional advice, you will know the best program to work with your child without endangering his development.

Refrain From Starchy Carbs

Pay close attention to what you serve your child. David Ludwig, a parent’s advisor and MD, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School pediatrics associate professor, and Optimal Weight for Life Program director at Boston Children’s Hospital compares giving your child a bagel for breakfast with giving him with a bowl of sugar. This comparison is legitimate since most starchy carbohydrates convert to glucose immediately you swallow them (1). Instead of such a meal, consider starting the day with protein foods such as eggs, which won’t only make him feel full, but they will also assist in cutting extra weight.

Avoid Putting Your Child Through Dietary Plan or Supplements

The first impulse that hits you when you learn your child has a weight issue to put him on supplements. This, however, is not a good idea as it will not give him the nutrients he requires for proper growth. Using a dietary plan may teach your child that certain foods are unfit, with the information carrying on even as he grows older.

Unless advised otherwise by his pediatrician, the dietary plan should be off limits. It’s best not to consider using them there is no research done to show how the weight loss drugs can affect kids. (2)

Take Control of Childs Menu

As a parent, you have a responsibility of monitoring what your child eats and what he should not eat. The entire weight loss process requires lifestyle changes both for him and the whole family. To achieve this, you need to get the household on board since the process may require cutting off high-calorie snacks and processed foods. (3)

Instead of eating fast food, develop a habit of preparing nutritious homemade foods. In turn, you will assist your child to eat healthier naturally.

Take One Step at a Time

Changing your family’s diet all at once may be difficult, as the drastic transition will affect their minds and bodies. Instead, try introducing small changes at a time. (4) According to Melton: small manageable changes are more likely to last a lifetime than a sudden change. To have a successful dietary change, you can start by doing the following.

  • Swapping sweetened drinks, such as soda and juice, with low-fat milk and water. Make drinking water a habit.
  • Changing regular breakfast with whole grain or protein-rich meal that will help him feel fuller throughout the day minimizing the need of eating a huge meal during the day.
  • Replace refined foods with whole grains such as white bread and rice for whole wheat bread and brown rice respectively.
  • Reduce your visit to restaurants or fast food joints. Instead, opt to prepare and cook at home.
  • Replace chips and fast foods with fruits. If your house has less junk food, then your child will not eat them, settling for a fruit every time he feels like eating.
  • Downsize your tableware, since larger plates encourage eating more
Encourage Him to Exercise

On top of a healthy diet, you should also consider enrolling your child in a healthy body exercise program. For instance, you can plan for family hike days, biking, or walks. Additionally, helping your child to find an activity he enjoys such as swimming, soccer, or basketball can help him in keeping fit and in realizing his passion.

You should encourage him to spend his free time outside playing instead of staying glued in front of the TV or playing video games. (5)

Practice Patience and Persistence

Weight loss for overweight kids is simple. At times, he might refuse to eat the healthy foods you choose for him, in which case you should not force him. According to various studies, children need to be accustomed to new foods before they can try it.

For this reason, you should be persistent in serving the dish. In time, your child might get interested in trying. When serving your child the right food, remember that his frustrations and tears mean fewer health frustrations in the future when he is already a grown up. Your child will be thankful you served him the right food in the long run.

Encourage Your Child to Drink Plenty of Fluids

Not only will the right food and exercise help your child lose weight, but so will the correct amount of fluids as well. Keep them hydrated with eight glasses of water a day and the right fluids. Instead of them drinking soda and sugary drinks such as full-fat milk or packaged juices, you can invest in a fruit infuser water bottle, which helps your children stay hydrated with flavor to keep them encouraged and interested in what they are consuming.

Plus, studies show that drinking fruit-infused water has helped aid in weight loss. It reduces their craving or hunger while improving the metabolism levels. (6)

Should You Consider Enroll Your Child in a Weight Loss Program?

As mentioned, taking your child through a weight loss journey is not an easy task, and sometimes, your efforts at home may be unsuccessful. In other cases, it may become worse if your doctor determines that the child’s health is at risk unless he sheds off some weight.

Because of this, you will have no choice but to enroll him in a formal weight loss program. If it reaches this point, then you should consider the following factors when picking the right weight-loss program for your child (7):

  • It should be staffed with a team of professionals such as dietitians, family doctors, and psychologists.
  • A medical evaluation should be carried out before enrolling in the program to help determine the child’s weight, growth, and health.
  • These professionals should focus on the entire family and not on the overweight child alone.
  • It should concentrate on the particular age and the capabilities of the child since different age groups have different skills.
  • The program must also focus on behavioral changes such as helping the child choose the right foods and encourage in involving in active daily activity instead of choosing a sedentary lifestyle.


If you introduce your child to healthy eating habits at an early age, he will grow with these habits at the later stages of life. Staying healthy and keeping fit will be the best thing you will have done to your child. This helps him stay free of certain health problems that result from obesity.

Additionally, helping your overweight child lose weight minimizes teasing or bullying by his peers, and as you may know, these two might make him feel isolated or interfere with his ability to learn or make friends. And through feeling confident with his body and overall health, your child will be able to grow happy and without any problems.