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Eating Right is NOT Enough to Eliminate Autoimmunity

Many people call me and say “I don’t understand it. I eat healthy, mostly organic foods, I drink filtered water, I don’t smoke or drink, and I’m taking lots of vitamins; Why do I have autoimmune disease?!?”

I explain to them that because health conscious persons are proactive, this is the group that I hear from the most, and yes, they are suffering with autoimmunity regardless of their efforts.

Even the organic grown produce no longer contains the essential phytonutrients and immune modulating components in any sufficient level, in comparison to produce grown 50 to 70 years ago. The produce has undergone numerous changes due to genetic modification, over use of pesticides and green harvesting practices where they harvest the fruit and vegetables before they are ready to preserve shelf life.

If you are ready to learn how to naturally eliminate the autoimmune attack, visit my page here: www.drrondrucker.com. On this page you will find all my information regarding autoimmunity and the immune system. I have studied this for over 20+ years and I have been able to help thousands of people take back their life from the grips of autoimmune disease.

Additionally, many studies have been done comparing the nutrient content of commercially produced produce vs. organic produce. These studies consistently demonstrate little nutritional differences. The major benefit of organic foods is the lower amounts of pesticides and other poisons, not a major difference in nutritional content.

When immunity collapses into the tissue attacking mode of autoimmunity, from my direct experience, one requires a high concentration of immune modulating components in order to progressively restore proper, accurate function to the immune system, subsequently progressively eliminating the autoimmune attack mode.

Many have learned through experience, that one cannot accomplish the feat of immune restoration by consuming produce, organic or not. And of course as stated, many who are already doing this, fall INTO the autoimmune state. The food supply has been progressively yet not purposely, depleted of the immune modulating components needed by our immune system. Through different types of genetic modification to produce higher yielding crops and large amounts of pesticides used, the food we are eating on a daily basis does not have the specific immune modulators that were once present in abundance in the food supply.

Eventually, the public will come to understand that these conditions can be easily overcome by simply feeding the immune system, and restoring balanced immune function. The immune system must be out of the autoimmune state for the body to begin to heal.

When we feed the immune system immune modulating components, at the most basic level we are restoring accuracy to your immune system cells. This means that, instead of attacking your tissues and causing major disease and chronic pain, the immune system can precisely find the correct foreign invaders and eliminate them.

Often times modern medicine has become to focused upon the suppression of the immune system. My natural negates the need for any suppression of the immune system, rather restores the immune system to natural balance. When your immune system is stuck in a dysfunctional state (autoimmunity) it will continue to attack your very own tissues in your body and continue to spread. Suppression is not the answer anymore, now that we have found natural was to feed the immune system what it is lacking in from the food supply, and bring it back to proper working order.

The Best Source for Organic Immune Modulating Components is Digestaqure Autoimmune-X.

To learn more about the multitude of positive health functions and benefits orchestrated by Immune Modulating Components, read my free book entitled; “The Code of Life …”

Read about my healing process and contact me if you need assistance.

Dr. D