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Eat More Beets to Fight Inflammation, Boost Recovery, Detox Your Liver and Lower Your Blood Pressure

Beets are probably the most underrated root veggies around the world. Beets are acidic, colorful, nutrient dense and they’re the perfect addition to soups, salads and even desserts. Whether consumed raw or cooked, these incredible veggies contain many healing compounds that can keep your body in perfect shape and prevent diseases.
Beets is packed with iron, iodine, folate, potassium and vitamin C and it can be used to treat thyroid-related disorders and anemia.

Health Benefits of Beets
  • It contains B-complex vitamins that prevent cognitive decline and strengthen capillary walls.
  • Beets contains betalains and polyphenols, compounds that can prevent and reverse oxidative damage and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Beets is packed with potassium and folate, compounds that promote heart health. It also contains magnesium which is great for bone health; phosphorus and iron which produce energy; iodine which is essential to produce thyroid hormones; copper which destroys free radicals.
  • It contains cobalt, a compound that helps your intestinal bacteria form vitamin B12, which is an essential vitamin.
  • It’s high in fiber, which makes it the perfect veggie to improve your digestion.
  • It contains folic acid that revitalizes your body.
  • It contains betacyanins, an antioxidant that prevents the growth of cancer cells.
  • It can help prevent dementia since it’s packed with nitrates. Nitrates improve the blood flow.
  • It contains more pectin than apples and carrots. Pectin absorbs the heavy metals from your body and removes harmful bacteria accumulated in your digestive tract.