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Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health and These 8 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore

Most people tend to clean their ears every day. They might think that it’s a normal hygiene procedure, but unfortunately, they’re wrong. Earwax is good for your ears, has a protective role and can indicate your health condition. Grab Q-tip, get some earwax out of your ear and learn what that earwax indicates.

Here are the 8 things you shouldn’t ignore:

1. Liquid earwax

It can indicate the start of an inflammation. See a specialist to prevent further complications.

2. Dry earwax

Lack of lean fats can cause dry earwax. Lean fats can also cause dry skin and many skin conditions such as dermatitis.

3. Earwax with an unpleasant smell

If the earwax smells really bad, it’s an indication of inflammation or infection in your middle ear. See a specialist to solve this problem before it turns into something more serious.

4. Black earwax

Don’t worry if it happened just once. If your ears become itchy and you constantly see black earwax, immediately see a specialist because you probably have a fungal infection.

5. White earwax

Lack of vitamins, especially copper and iron, can cause white earwax. Add more oatmeal and beans to your diet.

6. Brown earwax

Dark and brown earwax is a sign that your body is under a lot of stress. Try to calm yourself and relax as much as you can.

7. Gray earwax

It’s no big deal to have gray earwax. That’s probably dust and it happens often to people that live in polluted cities.

8. Earwax with traces of blood

Blood on the Q-tip can be an indication of perforated eardrum. When your ear is perforated, is easier to get affected with infections. Visit a doctor.