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Dry Lips and Face: 5 Tips to Have the Perfect Skin this Winter

The quality of your skin changes during winter. It’s really important to adjust your skin care routine to the cold weather during winter and have healthy and smooth skin. Winter can be really brutal for your skin, especially dry and cold air.5-Tips-to-Have-the-Perfect-Skin-this-Winter-1

These 5 tips will help you have a healthy and smooth skin during cold winter days:

1. Apply hydration mask 2-3 times a week

It’s really important to apply quality hydration cream during winter, but sometimes your skin needs extra moisture. A good hydration mask is the best way to feed your skin and keep it hydrated during the cold season.

2. Gently exfoliate your skin once or twice a week

Your skin will get really dry during winter and that’s why it’s important to remove your dead skin cells. A gentle exfoliation will work wonders for your skin. Wash your face, dip a towel in warm water and gently rub your sкin with it in circular motions.

3. Avoid taking hot showers

Although hot showers make you feel amazing, they can really dry your skin. It’s not good if you shower with really cold water, but try not to use too hot water when you’re taking a shower.

4. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water every day is key to having a healthy skin. Add some fruits or herbs to make your water taste nicer.

5. Use a toothbrush for your cracked lips

This trick will do wonders for your dry and cracked lips. Grab an old, dry toothbrush and gently rub your lips with it. This will remove the dead skin cells from your lips. Apply some balm or cream afterwards to keep your luscious lips hydrated.