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Don’t Let Lice Keep Your Kids Away From School

Head lice can be really annoying but you shouldn’t allow lice keep your kids away from school.  The American Academy of Pediatrics claim that head lice aren’t dangerous because they don’t spread diseases and the insects can’t spread from one child to another without head-to-head contact. Pediatricians claim that no child should miss classes due to head lice since head lice is not a serious medical condition.


Most parents reach for over-the counter medicines that contain permethrin or pyrethrins to get rid of head lice. Pediatricians strongly advise parents to read the instruction carefully and to use permethrin products twice a week. The bad part is that these products don’t kill 100% of the lice. The remaining lice eggs must be manually removed. A “nit-comb“ is the best and the easiest way to remove the remaining eggs.

Many people also tend to use natural remedies for lice such as mayonnaise, petrolatum shampoo, butter, herbal oils and olive oils. These homemade remedies haven’t been tested and their effectiveness is unknown. Also, parents should avoid using herbal shampoos that claim to help you eliminate lice because their safety is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Once someone in your family is diagnosed with head lice, everyone else in the family must be checked. Lice are transmitted by head-to-head contact. Also, advise your children not to share their combs and hats with other kids to prevent head lice.