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Different Types of Medical Alert System and Benefits of Investing in One

Recently, medical alert systems have gained a lot of popularity because of the features and benefits it provides. It allows its users and seniors to connect with emergency monitoring whenever it is needed. Modern alert system can easily be used at our homes, offices, etc. Overall, an alert system will allow us to live an independent life and ask for help, in case of any emergency. These systems are very valuable and versatile as they have saved life of many old-aged people who are more vulnerable to falls and other unforeseen accidents. A mobile or medical alert system usually consists of three parts which are mentioned below :


  • Access to alert and monitoring personnel 24*7 hours
  • Button device with speaker phone which connects user immediately for help
  • Features, supplement accessories and apps which provide additional support and enhance working capabilities of an alert system
Some key features of Medical alert system

A medical alert system is full of features and benefits due to which its demand is increasing day by day. Although, variety of systems are available in market nowadays but some of the common features that you will find in each of them are –

  • GPS tracking system
  • Automatic fall detection
  • Water resistant
  • Cellular connection

All the above mentioned features are very important, due to this it become much vital that while buying an alert system you should consider these features. It will help in buying an efficient and reliable medical alert system so that it can be used for long period of time.

Different types of medical alert system – Different models of medical alert system are available in market which you can buy easily from medical shops or super market. Here is some of the most popular type of alert systems –

Caregiver system with call button – In case of any emergency, with help of this system user can send alert to their house member, nurse or caretaker. This is a wireless alert system offering limited benefit, range and features. Overall, caregiver medical alert system is best for those patients who remain at home only.

Portable medical alert system – When user will remain inside the house the portable medical alert system has to be placed in charging cradle and the cradle will be positioned at the central location. The system will keep receiving on signals from necklace or wristband that is worn by the user. While on the other hand, when the user will go out he or she can carry portable cellular unit with them. In fact, the portable or mobile device has an emergency button that user can press to send any emergency message.

Two in one Separate in-home system – This system is available with wireless wristband or necklace that you can wear around your neck or wrist. It even has two separate speakers, a portable device that user can carry with them whenever they will go out and a home device which has to be placed inside the house. Two in one medical alert system comes with GPS tracker, microphone, speaker and an emergency help button.