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Dating Made Safe and Easy with Midwest Matchmaking

Dating is a tricky business in the best of circumstances, but especially so in this digital age. Casual dating apps can potentially expose users to scammers, cyber-attacks, and even sex offenders. 

A recent study finds that one in 10 sex offenders actively participates on a dating site. Another study reveals that 10% of the profiles on free dating sites contain false information

“An experienced third party to guide you through the matchmaking process is invaluable,” says Courtney Quinlan, owner and founder of Midwest Matchmaking. “If you’re looking for love, do yourself a favor and swipe left on blind dates and unsafe dating apps.”

Matchmaking firms are the safest way to date today

“When you go through our matchmaking firm, you’re not just signing up for an online dating site or app — you’re working with professionals,” explains Quinlan. “We create a database of clients who have all been carefully vetted and screened, so you know the matches you receive from us have been handpicked by the firm based on your personality and preferences. If you like what you see, you can schedule a date directly through our service. You are always in complete control and will never be blindsided by an unwanted encounter.” 

Midwest Matchmaking’s extensive screening process ensures safety from start to finish. Because each client is thoroughly vetted in person, no one can present fake profile pics or false information about age or profession.

Dating apps are risky 

The first thing to know about dating apps is that they are not safe, they are not private, and they are not confidential. Even if users do their research to find an app with privacy settings and a profile that’s only visible to friends of friends, there’s always the risk that someone will screenshot their profile or share it publicly on social media. 

In addition, apps can be hacked, and several popular dating apps bear this out. According to TechCrunch, Troy Hunt — the founder of Have I Been Pwned — recently discovered that hackers have cracked passwords and breached the dating sites CityJerks and TruckerSucker. These cyber criminals came away with email addresses, passwords, profile pictures, and personal data, including users’ date of birth, sexual orientation, geographic location, IP addresses, and bios.

Though information breaches are extremely troubling, the most imminent physical threat lies in the fact that users never really know who they are talking to on dating apps until they meet in person. Each match is an unvetted stranger, and this puts users in a vulnerable position. Worst case scenario, they open themselves up to cyber criminals or sexual predators. This is why matchmaking firms like Midwest Matchmaking vet their clients in person and online to screen them for criminal records and predatory behavior, as well as ensure they aren’t serial daters or gold diggers who just want your money.

How Midwest Matchmaking uses its database of carefully vetted clients 

In this dangerous digital era, Quinlan still thoroughly believes that matchmaking is a safe and effective way to find love. Before clients can access the services of Midwest Matchmaking, they submit to a background check and thorough interview. Throughout the entire process, their privacy is protected, and their personal information is held in strictest confidence. 

A professional matchmaker checks every client’s background information to verify their identity. Just like potential employers, they pose clients with a detailed questionnaire and carefully scrutinize their answers. Clients can only access the website if they meet strict criteria. 

Quinlan has been a successful professional matchmaker for the past 15 years and knows what it takes to help her clients find a connection. “In addition to screening clients for safety, we also vet them for compatibility,” she explains. “We will only make matches we genuinely feel are compatible. Our mission is to set clients up on a date with someone they’ll click with, give them constructive criticism afterward, and ultimately help them find their soulmate.” 

Numerous couples have found lasting love with the help of Midwest Matchmaking. “We get to know each of our clients and what they’re looking for in a forever partner,” adds Quinlan. Our matchmakers are experts, so we can virtually guarantee you’ll have a great time with your match. Chemistry is more difficult to predict, but many of our clients find it with their very first match.”

Dating is an art, and finding love online requires more than just swiping left or right. “The best way to ensure your safety while dating online is using a matchmaking firm like Midwest Matchmaking,” says Quinlan. “We vet every match for safety and compatibility, so if you’re ready to take control of your dating life, let us show how safe and easy it can be.”