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Cosy Autumn Preparations

Autumn is that time of year when you can sense the change. Temperatures drop a little. The night sky can be seen that little bit earlier.  The morning light takes that little bit longer to fill your home. The land begins to change as trees shed their leaves leaving a blanket of red underfoot.

Like the world outside of your home, the world inside your home should change too. It is not the time to start pulling out thick wool blankets and wearing layer after layer, but as the summer fades making your home warm and cosy ready for the coldness of winter will help you usher in and celebrate autumn.

As the nights are shorter you and your family will be inside for longer, huddled around the warm and cosy fire that has been the way of this time of year for generations.

Preparing your Home for Autumn

To start preparing your home for the season of change emulating the colours and brightening up darker corners is a good place to start. It is also a chance to renew your colour schemes which is always an exciting thing to do.


The colours of autumn are unique with red, plums, khakis, and golden orange tones. These colours that are everywhere outside look wonderful in your home allowing for a seamless transition as you move inside from the outside. This provides the vibrancy of autumn without the temperatures of autumn. So it is a win-win.

Look at your rugs, throws, and curtains, and use the colours of autumn that go with the room.  The great thing about autumn colours is they match the colour of flames. If you have a fireplace, especially ones similar to Barbas Bellfires fireplaces, these colours will come alive.


Shorter nights mean longer shadows and this gives opportunities. Think about lighting dark corners using candles. Candles not only provide light but mood. The naked flame always generates feelings of cosiness and this is what you’re after when you start to get your home ready for autumn.

Lights can be utilised but be sparing here. Too many lights and you start to make your home look like a seaside attraction or a nightclub. This does not say autumn at all.


Summer is the time for BBQs and salads. Autumn, on the other hand, is where we move into home cooked warm foods.  Think about making soups, Cornish pasties, sausage and mash, shepherd’s pie, chilli con carne, roasted vegetables,  such as squash and carrot. For a sweeter tooth consider making apple pies and muffins. Food that is baked generally tastes better in autumn and winter.


As well as your home think about you. As the temperatures have not dropped to freezing maybe add an extra layer to your clothes. Consider thicker fabrics that are not as heavy as wool. Although a short time of year fashion houses gear towards it as the line between autumn and winter fashion is thin.

Stay warm, stay comfortable, and enjoy autumn. It truly is a marvellous season.