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Coronavirus Myths Busted By The World Health Organization!

While medical experts battle the deadly coronavirus, misinformation about the virus are widespread. The World Health Organization decided to bust all those myth and help people understand what to do and what not to do during the pandemic.

The WHO explains that there is no preventive medicine or specific treatment that can cure the coronavirus, but scientist are working hard to create a vaccine. People who are diagnosed with cornavirus should get appropriate care to treat the symptoms and those whose condition is severe, should get optimized supportive care.

The WHO also gave a list of remedies that people believe are effective, but they can actually be dangerous:

  • Vitamin C
  • Using multiple masks
  • Traditional herbal teas
  • Self-medicating with antibiotics

Experts even criticized the Indian government for suggesting homeopathy for preventing and treating coronavirus. The reality is that there is no scientific evidence that homeopathy can really cure viral infections.