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Common Podiatric Issues in Women

Foot and ankle disorders are exclusively treated under the branch of medical treatment known as podiatry.  It usually includes minor treatments such as rotten dead nails removal or ingrown toenails but major procedures such as surgeries for fatal foot pain or bunions are also included under the medicinal umbrella of podiatry. The physician who performs these treatments is known as podiatrist.  A podiatrist during his education gets the education to treat other diseases additionally from foot and ankle, but their license allows them to only provide treatment for foot and ankle ailments.

Women’s feet and podiatry

Women tend to wear more uncomfortable shoes than men for fashion. And to run around in those super uncomfortable shoes all day during work or other chores causes a lot of problems. Initially seems minor issues, if persist can lead to seriously dangerous disorders.

Some very common podiatric issues that are more observant in women are

Heel Pain

Heel pain, which is very common ailment results due to extensive period of standing wearing high heels medically is commonly known as plantar fasciitis. People ignore this kind of pain, as seen in most cases. the patient should visit a podiatrist as soon as she feels the pain. The podiatrist may recommend some tests that includes video walking analysis and 3D scan of the feet. Once the reports are thoroughly studied, it is likely that podiatrist will prescribe to buy customized orthotics, as they can support the ankle and foot for the proper posture and help regaining the natural shape.

Fungal Nails

Women who wear closed shoes consistently for hours throughout the day have higher chances of getting fungal infections inside the nail plate and nail bed. The common symptoms are nails turning to yellow color and crumbling easily.  Women usually ignore these signs and assume that this will go away as the nail will grow. And in thinking so, they tend to cover these nails with nail paint in the meanwhile. This disease is known as onychomycosis or OM effects. Treatment of these nails is available in different ways depending upon situation of the nails. The common treatments are removing the affected nail altogether to avoid further infection or laser treatment.

Bunions, Corns, Calluses and General Foot Pain

Women sometimes buy cheaper shoes that have poor fitting with the feet, which consequently effect tee posture of the foot. Bad posture for longer hours can cause bunions, corns, calluses and general foot pain. Podiatrists usually recommend orthotics too patients that can help improve the bad posture.

Different kind of podiatry treatment that are available at Mod Pod Podiatry are:

  1. Sports podiatry
  2. General podiatry
  3. Laser—Fungal Nails
  4. Custom Orthotics
  5. Physiotherapy
  6. Marigold warts
First Podiatric Clinic in Tunisia

Podiatry clinics are not that common, people usually tend to direct their queries towards their nearer dermatologist in case of rotten nails and for pain related issues patients go to orthopedist. Safa Zideni opened the first podiatry clinic in Tunisia in 2016 with the help of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with USAID.


Women tend to have more podiatric issues than men and these issues be treated as soon as you realized the problem. Common issues are heel pains, fungal growth in nails and bunions, corns, calluses and general foot pain.