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Common Habits That Are Ruining Your Sleep

The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function properly the next day. Unfortunately, a large number of adults are functioning on five, four or even less hours of sleep per night. Not only does this lead to sleepiness during the day, but can cause poor productivity levels, and even serious health issues.

Getting a great night’s rest isn’t as hard as you may think. In most cases, the reasons a person “can’t sleep” are directly related to some common habits. Keep reading to ensure you aren’t guilty of some of the habits here, which may be affecting your ability to get a great night’s rest.

Failure to Set a Coffee (or Caffeine) Curfew

While it may be tempting, it’s best to say no to that after-dinner cup-of-Joe. While you’re on the subject of a coffee curfew, be sure to skip the 4:00 PM java fix, as well.

What most people don’t realize is that it takes their body about six hours for just 50 percent of the caffeine consumed to leave the body. Also, as a person ages, they become less efficient at processing caffeine. This results in the perfect storm of subpar sleep.

Not Considering Your Bedding

While your mattress plays a huge role in how well you sleep, what you may not realize is that the other items on your bed play a role in this, too. Do you have the right pillow? Do you need a mattress cover? What about your sheets? Are there too many blankets on you?

Take some time to consider the bedding elements you use, and if they are actually helping or hindering your sleep. You can even learn more about quality bedding items by checking out the Sleep Guide.

Leaving Your Contacts In

While your contacts may not keep you up at night, if you leave them in, you may deprive your eyes the break they need – along with a dose of much-needed oxygen. Even lenses designed for extended wear, which are designed to be worn at night, can increase the likelihood you will develop an eye infection if you are sleeping with them on a regular basis.

Skipping the Physical Activity

An all-too-common misconception that many people believe is that if they exercise, they won’t be able to sleep. However, the fact is, if you get the recommended amount of physical activity, then you are up to 65 percent less likely to get that “drowsy” feeling during the day.

Some believe this is because exercisers are able to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and have much higher quality shut-eye than someone who doesn’t exercise. The key is to make sure you exercise at the right time – i.e. don’t have an intense sweat session late in the evening, this will prevent you getting to sleep easily.

Using Electronics in Bed

The television in your bedroom, and cellphone on your bedside table can be a serious distraction from the business of sleeping. In fact, these gadgets may be the reason you aren’t able to get quality shut-eye.

Not only is the buzz of constant alerts a problem, but the screens bright light may block the production of melatonin, which is responsible for helping you fall asleep and stay asleep.

If you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep, review the list of sleep robbing habits found here once more. If you are guilty of any of these things, it’s time to make a change. This will help you be more productive and feel more rested, which is always a plus.