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Botox Alpharetta: Everything You Need to Know Before Getting One

Botox Alpharetta is very popular now because of its excellent results. Not to mention its minimal downtime and nearly non-existent side effects, it has been one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in the last 10 years. It helps eliminate the wrinkles around your eyes and the lines on your forehead temporarily. We wouldn’t be surprised if you’d consider getting one, too.

But before you do, make sure you prepare yourself for it. There are so many things you need to know before you go under the needle. If you want to know more about Botox, continue scrolling down.

Things You Need to Know Before Getting Botox Alpharetta
  1. You should consult an expert before the injection. The person who is performing the injection needs to make you smile, frown, and make you raise your eyebrows. This is necessary to carefully evaluate you to see how different areas of your face move naturally. The result of Botox should make you look refreshed instead of looking expressionless.

What some dermatologists do is that they ask their patients to talk about something they are passionate about, so they can gauge their facial movement. If you’re getting for the first time, you should expect to go through a thorough health assessment before the injection.

The dermatologist may give you certain antibiotics for bacterial infections because they can increase the potency of neurotoxins. To prevent the risks, make sure not to receive treatment for the duration of your antibiotic prescription. You don’t want to end up with a droopy lid.

  1. What is the right age to get Botox Alpharetta? The best time to get Botox done is when you’re in your late twenties or early thirties. This is the age when your expression lines aren’t that visible yet. If you start early, then it will prevent worsening, and will also reverse the wrinkles and the first blush lines.

But if you start using the toxin when you don’t have visible lines on your face, then you will end up using it for 50 years.

  1. How much does it cost? If the price for Botox Alpharetta is questionably low, then you might be getting a diluted dosage. Another possible reason is that your doctor probably bought the product from a supplier in the UK or Canada, where pharmaceutical prices are substantially lower than the ones in the US. Purchasing pharmaceutical products outside the US for use on patients within the US is illegal. Because it’s illegal, suppliers are unable to store them at proper temperatures, which compromises their effectiveness and safety.

Because of this, the prices for in-office treatments tend to be higher in the metro regions, such as Dallas, Chicago, and New York. These are areas where the demand for cosmetic procedures is high. To find out the price range in your area, make sure to check an expert. It’s better to see a doctor who bases his fee on the number of products used, instead of the number of injected areas of the face.

  1. Where are the injectables coming from? You must make sure your doctor is an official vendor for any type of substance. You might get an expired and contaminated product. To prevent that, make sure to check out the manufacturer’s websites, and search every licensed physician who has legally obtained their products.
  2. What meds do you need to avoid during pre-injection? A lot of Botox and filler veterans know that they should lay off anticoagulants like ibuprofen and aspirin prior to the treatment. That’s because those types of drugs can hinder blood clots. They also increase the risk of bruising if the needle nicks a blood vessel. However, these aren’t the only things you need to avoid during pre-injection. Below is a longer list of the things you need to avoid:
  • Fish oil
  • Green tea
  • Multi-vitamins
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Red wine
  • Antioxidants

Make sure to avoid all these, at least one week before you get the treatment. Antioxidants (not all of them) can prevent clotting and increase the fragility of blood vessels. Make sure to ask your MD at least 2 weeks ahead of time to see the full list of things you need to avoid.

  1. Are all fillers the same? If it’s your first time to get Botox Alpharetta, you might be wondering if fillers are all the same. To answer this question, no, not all of them are equal.

Don’t get silicone because it always causes the most complications. Malleable hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be absorbed by the body, so it will eventually break down. However, silicone is different, as it is a synthetic material that cannot be metabolized. It can harden over time and will create unsightly uneven bulges. The worst thing is that silicone is permanent, and it will not age well with you.

  1. What if you get bruises during the procedure? Neurotoxins require finer needles, and they’re usually placed more superficially compared to fillers. Any injection can potentially hit one of your vessels, which can cause blood to pool beneath your skin, and form unattractive bruises.

Lucky for you, there are dermatology practices that offer a next-day complimentary laser treatment that can help break down the pooled blood into very small particles. This eliminates your bruises within 24 hours.

So, before you take the procedure, make sure to ask if this service is available if you don’t want to get a black-and-blue blotch after the procedure.

  1. What’s the Botox buzz? If you get Botox between your brows, you can get a temporary sensation of headache or dizziness, or what we know as the Botox buzz. This usually disappears within 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. What do you need to do after the procedure? We know that Botox Alpharetta is a lot better than cosmetic surgeries, but what exactly happens right after the procedure?

For several hours, after your shots, below are the things that you need to avoid:

  • Putting on makeup
  • Washing your hair
  • Laying down
  • Exercising
  • Messing with the injected zones

After getting Botox, make sure you avoid doing the abovementioned, or else the toxin will spread to your muscles. The injection may also weaken if you do any of those things.