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Bike Riding is Good for Your Kids Health?

This is one of the most common questions that almost every parent has in mind. Although most of them are always worried that their children might get hurt while riding bike, the fact is that cycling is one of the best activities that your children may get involved at. This activity doesn’t only increase their physical fitness but also has a lot more benefits to offer. If you are out there looking for the best bike for your 4 years old, read this article.

Why is Bike riding good for my kids?

As I had already stated, riding a bike is the best exercise that your children may get involved at. The fact is that learning to ride a bike is a very important skill that your children should learn for the following reasons.

It’s simple and fun

Riding a bike is a very simple skill to learn especially when your children are old enough. However, there are some simple to ride bikes that you can get for your child as he or she grows. Most of the parents agree that sometimes riding a bike is the simplest skill that their children learnt as they were growing up.

Once you get your child a bike, cycling will be fun and a free activity that they will be involved in on their free time. They are likely to ride together with their friends and for this reason they will enjoy it.

Your children will be physically active

This is another advantage that they are likely to get from riding a bike. The fact is that when you buy your kida bike, he/she will always be on motion. This keeps them active and reduces TV time. They will as well spend less time with their mobile phones and computers.

The fact is that they will at least engage in one hour of vigorous physical activity which is good for their health. One thing that parents don’t know is that bike riding can reduce instances of childhood obesity and heart problems significantly. According to a research by the Heart Foundation, most of the children and their parents in Australia and other parts of the world don’t meet these standards.

It boosts their mental health and learning

There’s enough evidence that as your child gets out in the fresh air, warm rays of the sun and the beautiful nature, their minds reenergizes and for this reason they are ready to learn more. It doesn’t only improve physical fitness but also the child’s learning development and mental health. There’s more research showing that getting involved in physical activities has something to do with increased happiness.

Develop muscles and strengthen bones

This is another benefit of cycling. When you get a bike for your child, he/she will be active cycling which is likely to strengthen the bones and develop leg muscles. The other thing is that the continued exercise will help them build their stamina and at the end of it improve their general fitness. It is also very imperative for cardiovascular muscles. Another thing is that cycling will improve their coordination and balance.

It helps them grow their patience

The fact is that learning to ride a bike is not an exercise that will take a single night. Although it is simple and fun to ride, it may take them something to do with two or more weeks to be fully capable. What this means is that they will learn to wait. It will also make them learn the fruits of patience and how situations go.

How to teach your child how to ride a bike

From the age of four, most of the children have the balance and dexterity needed to cycle. They also have leg strength and understanding of different situations. What am try to mean is that this is the perfect age to teach them how to ride a bike. However, you have to note that not all the children at this age feel emotionally prepared for this and hence you have to take time to prepare them. Follow the below steps to train him/her.

Start easy

You should first of all get a run or balance bike that has no pedals. This is a good starting point. This is likely to teach them confidence and balance. You can start moving the kid from one place to the other for a few weeks until you are convinced they are now ready for a bigger challenge.

Find a safe place

When you are considering starting teaching your children how to start riding bikes, you have to first of all have a good site. The place should be safe and open. You don’t have to hurt your son or daughter in the process. You should also avoid busy streets and narrow sidewalks because they can makes someone nervous.

Ready, set, go

After you have a good place for the acclivity, you have to start by holding the bike, get him/her ready and then let them go. However, you still have to pay a closer attention to this and if possible you are supposed to follow them along. Ensure that he/she is looking ahead and not at the ground.

How to start solo

After some few days, am sure now the kid will be set to start driving on their own, however, you have to ensure that they are set for a solo experience. Ensure that the place they are practicing in is open and safe. They should completely avoid busy places. Just teach him/her the ready position. How to cycle alone and what they should avoid along the way.

The bottom line

Learning how to ride a bike can take a long time. However, if the kid has enough courage and is ready to learn, it may take an afternoon or even some few days. This article is for those parents that had doubts whether ridding bike is good for your kids. Now you know it is and you have a guide to help you teach them how to ride.