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Advantages of Laser Lipo Plus

A beautiful, healthy training woman’s body on white

Have you been considering getting liposuction so that you can finally get rid of those unresponsive bits of fat that do not respond to exercise and diet? There are many patients I have who are worried about belly fat, love handles, back fat, thigh, and upper arm fat. They also worry about the fat under their chin and, believe it or not, the area inside their knees.

Some people worry that once they get liposuction in these areas that there are new problems to face. They worry that the skin will sag once the fat has been removed. This is understandable because as we age, skin does less bouncing back than it did. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to get rid of fat only to face saggy skin. I have a secondary liposuction option for patients that is called Laser Lipo Plus which addresses this problem.

What is Laser Liposuction?

This is an advanced procedure using a unique cannula called a Blugerman. These non invasive liposuction procedures will remove fat and stimulate skin to retract right after the procedure so that it will not sag.

Where Can I Get Laser Liposuction?

You can use it for the belly area, the flanks, thighs, the back, upper arms and even the inside of the knees. Wherever you have fat that does not go away with diet or exercise, you will want to think about regular liposuction and Laser Lipo Plus.

Laser Lipo Plus Advantages

The traditional liposuction method uses cannula tubes connected to the suction machine as a way of removing fat. The technology behind the Laser Lipo Plus gives the cannula the ability to move aggressively against the skin to remove fat and encourage it to be taut. You get better, smoother results and can even see less cellulite on the areas treated with the Laser Lipo Plus.