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90 Years Later the Legendary Dog Hachiko Finally Reunited with His Beloved Owner

Most of us have heard the story or watched the movie about the purest friendship between the professor Hidesaburpu Uenou and his pet dog Hachiko. Their story became famous thanks to an article written by a Japanese journalist in October 1932. The article was about a dog that sat, day after day, waiting in front of the train station for the return of his beloved master. Today, 90 years later, Hachiko and his master are finally reunited.


For those who don’t know the story: One day, coming back from work, Professor Uenou found a little puppy. He took it home, and against his wife’s will, Hachi stayed there. These two buddies spend a lot of time together, and Hatchiko accompanied his master to the train station every day. One day the professor had a stroke and passed away. Hatchiko kept waiting outside the train station every day, at 5 o’clock, waiting for his master to come back from work.


Hatchiko spent 10 years waiting, and after 10 years was found dead outside the train station.


There’s a statue of Hachiko on the train station where he spent his whole life waiting.


This year is the 90th anniversary of professor Oenou’s death and the 80th anniversary of Hachiko’s death. In their honor, the University of Tokyo will unveil a statue representing the reunion between the professor and the world’s most loyal dog Hachiko.


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