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9 Types of Common Digestive Disorders You Need to Know

Most people may not like to talk about gastrointestinal problems. That said there is no need for you to suffer in silence if you have any such problem. Here is a list of 9 digestive conditions that are most prevalent. If you have any of these, it is crucial that you speak to your doctor immediately.

  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

You may experience this as a burning pain in the middle of your chest after taking meals, or at night. It happens when the acid in your stomach backs up into your esophagus. GERD is when this happens every day or twice a week. Symptoms include persistent heartburn, nausea, bad breath, tooth erosion, pain in your chest or upper abdomen, and difficulty in swallowing or breathing.

  1. Gallstones

Too much cholesterol or waste in your bile can cause hard deposits to form in your gall bladder. It could also occur if your gall bladder fails to empty properly. The associated symptom often includes a sharp pain in the upper right abdomen, which is a sign that your gallstones are blocking the ducts that lead from your gallbladder to the intestines.

  1. Celiac Disease

This is a condition that emerges from a serious sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in rye, barley, and wheat. It can cause damage to the finger-like protrusions within your small intestines which help in absorbing nutrients from the foods that you eat. The symptoms include diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal pain and bloating, constipation, vomiting, anemia, weight loss, bone loss, depression, and may be even seizures.

  1. Crohn’s Disease

This is a disease that affects the terminal ileum, a part of your body that connects the beginning of your colon with the end of the small bowel. The causes are generally genetic. The symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, fever and weight loss.

  1. Ulcerative Colitis

Although the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are very similar to that of Crohn’s disease, it is the large intestine (also known as colon) that is affected in this condition. In this your immune system tends to mistake foods and other materials as invaders, which is when ulcers or sores start developing in the colon’s lining. Symptoms include frequent and urgent bowel movements, rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and pain with diarrhea.

  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you have any stomach pain or discomfort too often, it could be IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Although the causes are unknown, the symptoms may include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, hard and dry stools on one day followed by loose watery stools.

  1. Hemorrhoids

Passing bright red blood along with your bowels is a sign of hemorrhoids. This occurs when the blood vessels at the end of your digestive tract get inflamed. The main causes include lack of fiber in diet, chronic constipation, diarrhea, or straining while passing bowels. It can be itchy and painful.

  1. Diverticulitis

If you have weak spots in the lining of your digestive systems, small pouches called diverticula may start forming alongside it. Diverticulitis can occur when these pouches get inflamed. Symptoms often include abdominal pain and fever.

  1. Anal Fissure

Oval-shaped, tiny tears alongside the lining of your anus are known as anal fissures. Similar to hemorrhoids the symptoms include rectal bleeding and pain while passing bowels. While straining and hard bowel movements are the main causes of fissures, soft stools and diarrhea can also give them to you.

If you have digestive disorders such as constipation or rectal bleeding,it is not a good idea to leave it untreated. Consult a doctor without any hesitation.