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8 Ways Your Body Changes As You Get Older

Everyone’s body evolves as they age, but these changes are often so subtle and gradual that we may not notice them happening for months or even years. While aging is inevitable, there are many positive lifestyle changes that you can make to keep yourself healthy for as long as possible. We’ll talk about eight different ways your body changes as you get older and what you can do about it now. It’s never too early or too late to start caring about an anti-aging lifestyle!

Your skin starts to sag and wrinkle.

As you get older, your skin produces less collagen and elastin, which reduces skin elasticity and plumpness. You also lose subcutaneous fat from directly beneath the skin, making your face look less plump and your skin less taut. Combined, these factors make your skin begin to sag and wrinkle. Fortunately, you can slow down this process by using anti-aging skincare products, such as retinols. UV ray exposure is also that single greatest contributing factor to the development of early wrinkles, so wearing sunscreen every day is essential. The earlier you begin using these products, the greater anti-aging effects you will see!

Your skin’s oil production slows down.

Wrinkles and sagging are the only changes you will see in your skin: Your oil production also slows down as you age, causing your skin to become more dry. Even if you struggled with oily, acne-prone skin in your younger years, pretty much everyone has dry skin by the time they hit their 60s. You can relieve any dryness and itching associated with it by adding a nourishing, anti-aging moisturizer to your skincare travel kit. You should also use gentle cleansers on both your face and body that leave your skin feeling clean, but not stripped.

anti-aging lifestyle

By Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

You might become farsighted.

Even if you had perfect vision in your younger years, you will probably need to start wearing glasses as you get older. That’s because most people struggle to focus on close objects as they age. You might also find yourself struggling to adapt to different levels of light, such as walking from a sunny day into a dark room. You might also become more sensitive to glare, which can impact your ability to drive. Some people also develop eye problems such as cataracts as they age. Getting your eyes checked regularly and wearing an accurate glasses prescription will help you prevent additional strain and keep your eyes healthy.

You might experience hearing loss.

Besides their eyesight, many people also experience changes in their hearing as they age. Many older adults struggle to follow a conversation in a crowded room, or any place there is a lot of background noise. They may also struggle with hearing sounds at higher frequencies. To prevent premature hearing loss, wear earplugs when you are at concerts, around loud machinery, and otherwise exposed to loud noises. If you already have hearing loss, being fitted for hearing aids can help you improve your quality of life.

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By kudla / Shutterstock.com

Your ability to taste and smell might decline.

Some people find that their senses of taste and smell worsen as they age, especially after age 60. While some age-related loss of the senses is normal, there are many other underlying factors that can potentially affect your taste and smell as well. These include nasal and sinus problems, viral infections, certain medication, dental problems, and diseases that affect the central nervous system. If you feel that your sense of taste and smell is declining prematurely, then you should see your doctor to get checked out to make sure that it is actually age related and not caused by something else.

Your bones shrink in size and density.

Your cells shrink as you age, which causes your bones to become thinner and more brittle. This puts you more at risk for fractures and breaks as you age. Their ability to regenerate also slows down as you’ve got older, which means that it will take longer for you to heal from any falls or accidents. Doing strength training and resistance exercises can help reduce your risk for osteoporosis and keep your bones strong and healthy as you age.

anti-aging lifestyle

By Maridav / Shutterstock.com

Your muscles start to atrophy.

Your bones aren’t the only thing that shrink as you age: Your muscles also begin to atrophy starting at around age 30. You will notice a loss not just of strength and size, but also endurance and flexibility. Because of these changes, you might find your balance, coordination, and stability worsening overtime. The strength training exercises that keep your bones strong will also help to fight muscle atrophy. You might also want to incorporate exercises that are specifically designed to increase balance and flexibility in order to proactively fight off these changes as you age.

Your blood vessels stiffen.

Your blood vessels and arteries stiffen up as you age, which means that your heart has to work harder to pump blood through them. In turn, this increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, such as high blood pressure. Getting enough physical activity, especially moderate cardio, will help to keep your entire cardiovascular system healthy and reduce your risk of heart disease. Eating a healthy diet and not smoking will also further contribute to cardiovascular health.

We’ve only just scratched the surface of the many possible age-related changes you might see as you get older. We’d love to hear from you about what other changes you are saying and also what you are doing about them. Have you already made any lifestyle changes with anti-aging in mind, or do you plan to make some in the future? Are there any changes that you wish that you had made sooner? Let us know in the comments below!