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8 Lesser-Known Facts About Parasite Infections

Doctors trying to diagnose whether you may be suffering from a parasitic infection or not is normally like them trying to solve a mystery with vague or very few clues. Simply put, it’s not that easy. In the following eight points in this article, we’ll attempt to highlight a few of the lesser-known facts about some parasites and the infections they may cause. There happen to be several strange ways one can end up picking up some of these nasty creatures. Most pick them up after having visited foreign and unusual locales.

Let’s take a look at these 8 lesser known facts, shall we?

1. Protozoa Are The Deadliest Human Parasites

The deadliest human parasite on earth happens to be protozoa. These are single-celled organisms. Most of these tiny critters, which happen to be over eighty thousand, have brought to the human being more death and misery than anything ever seen before in man’s history. This includes famine as well as war. Bet you didn’t know that right? Anyway, the most widely recognized protozoan parasites which also happens to be the deadliest of them all is Plasmodium. This parasite is what causes the killer disease malaria.

2. Chagas Disease Labelled The Americas “New Aids”

Chagas disease is a parasitic infection that’s been dubbed by the Americas as being their “new AIDS”. A bloodsucking insect is what causes the disease. Just like AIDS, this ailment happens to be extremely hard to detect or diagnose as well as the fact that it also has a considerably long remission phase. It spreads via blood transfusions and can be transferred from mother to child. Hence, the AIDS reference as you can see. The intestines and heart enlargen so much so that they can even burst. This is what can eventually cause sudden death.

3. Roundworms Can Cause Elephantiasis

Yes, these parasites can cause the disease, we’ve just mentioned above. However, that’s not the only shocking thing. They infect at least one hundred and twenty million people all across the globe. This is a very dangerous little creature. These worms have been known to grow between the length sizes of around 1.5 to 5 inches. They usually bunch up by the lymph node vessels causing grossly swollen limbs.

4. Trichomoniasis Is Not Only A Parasite But An STD As Well

You read right. This is both a parasite as well as an STD. Considered to be one of the most treatable STDs on the planet, in the United States alone, approximately four million people have this parasitic infection. However, only around thirty percent record any symptoms. The symptoms that commonly occur include redness, burning, itching or genital soreness. If not treated, the infection can end up lasting for several months if not years.

5. A Tapeworm Cannot Be Starved

A person suffering from a tapeworm cannot starve it. But, what they can do is feed themselves with foods that tapeworms don’t like eating such as onions and garlic. It might be unpleasant to both see and feel several squirming tapeworms pass from your body. Drugs are what doctors use to treat tapeworms. Although, if the worm’s neck and the scolex, which is the head, aren’t destroyed then the parasite will basically regrow.

6. You Can Transfer Scabies Through Physical Contact

Among the Top Tips For Parasite Prevention: What To Avoid And Where Not To Go is definitely to remember that the human itch mite or scabies can be transferred via physical contact. The female lays her eggs under the human’s skin causing irritation. The exacerbation of the inflammation happens when the mother begins to bury her eggs under your skin. This is then what causes that intense itching.

7. The Candiru or Vampire Fish Can Swim Up Stream

The Candiru or V. cirrhosa parasite has the ability to swim up a human’s urine stream into their bodies via the victim’s penis. Once inside, its sharp spine shoots out which is then used to help lodge itself in. Once it has made its way inside your body, it begins to feed on your blood.

8. Loa Loa Can Live In The Human Eye

This parasitic worm also commonly referred to as the “eye worm” can live in the eye of the human as well as other mammals’ eyes. A human can even feel it moving about once it’s inside. Creepy, no?

Hopefully, this article has shown you a few things you may not have known about some particular parasitic infections. Some are really scary while others don’t appear to be that bad. Nevertheless, none of them should ever be ignored. If you think that you might be suffering from a parasitic infection, then you might need to consider seeking the guidance and assistance of a certified medical physician. They’ll almost always know what to do.