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8 Foods Which Will Give You Flawless Skin – Bye, bye Acne!

At the first acne outbreak in our teens we just look at it and assume it will be all over when we reach adulthood. That’s a nice lie, girls! The reality is our hormones are going to give us outbreaks on monthly basis – at least!

When your skin is covered in acne you tend to hide it all under a thick layer of makeup, which makes the acne worse, so a never-ending loop starts to emerge. One of the ways to get rid of acne for good is to get a treatment at a Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness clinic. To enhance its effects you can alter your lifestyle a little, starting with your diet.

What you eat matters a lot for your skin and can make your acne worse or soothe it for a little time. Processed foods and junk food are the worst things you can eat, so try to switch them with fresh, unprocessed foods. A healthy diet will help your skin get rid of toxins and soothe the acne, calming the outbreak and supporting the wellness face treatments.

Almond milk

Regular milk contains hormones, which can contribute to the hormone imbalance which usually lead to outbreaks, so you should be switching it with nut-based milk, like almond milk. It is lighter, hormone-free and has a delicious taste.


The watermelon is rich in water, so it will hydrate your skin. To be able to enjoy the benefits of watermelon and fruits, in general, you should look for seasonal fruits. For example, a watermelon which was brought from a foreign country is not the same with a local watermelon, which was just picked from the ground. Always aim to eat local fruits and vegetables.


Cucumbers have a high water content which is going to nourish your skin and tone it up. You can eat them and you can use them to make a facial mask, for topical hydration.


Apples are rich in vitamins, as well as elastin and collagen, which maintain your skin in top shape. They are easy to find locally, so they might be your best pick when it comes to healthy fruits.


Oranges are also great for your skin because they contain a lot of vitamin C, which stimulates the collagen in your skin, providing you with a smooth and firm skin.

Whole grains

When you are fighting acne you need to cut down on sugars and processed foods, but you need to keep eating whole grains. Most people focus on eating fruits and vegetables, completely forgetting about grains. Best picks are quinoa, oats and brown rice.


Salmon contains the healthy Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which have strong anti-inflammatory effect on your skin, thus, being able to soothe an outbreak.


Honey is a truly miracle-food, which is loaded in benefits for the human body. It has anti-inflammatory effect and you can also use it for topical treatments, applying it on your face to soothe the outbreak.