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7 Simple Medical Tests to Check Your Health Right This Moment

If you want to maintain your health, you need to do a full medical examination once a year! On the other hand, you should also watch out for your health and read the signals your body is giving you. There are some simple test that you can do in your own home, that indicate that something is happening in your body or a serious illness.

Here are 7 simple medical tests that will help you check your health:

1. Stroke and Dementia

Grab a timer before starting this test. Lift your leg up so that your hip gets parallel to the floor. Start the timer! If you can stay in this position for at least 20 minutes, it indicates that you have minimal risk of developing dementia or having a stroke. If you can’t maintain the balance, it might mean that you have problems with your brain vessels.

2. Heart and lung diseases

Put your nails against one another as you make your fingers in the shape of an upside down letter J. If you see a tiny diamond between your nails, it means that your heart and vessels are in great health. If there’s no space between, it might mean that your blood doesn’t have enough oxygen.

3. Anemia

Stand in front of a mirror and pull your lower eyelid down. If the color is pink, you’re okay. If the color is yellowish or pale pink, it might indicate that you have anemia. Anemia occurs when there’s a lack of hemoglobin. If you also get tired quickly, breathe heavily and you’re pale, you should check it with your doctor immediately.

4. Diabetes

Ask your partner to grab a pencil with an eraser. Make your partner touch your foot and toes with the sharp end and then with the eraser, in turns. Can you make a difference which end of the pencil touched you without looking? If you can’t, it means your nerve ends don’t function properly and it can be a sign of diabetes.

5. Hearing

Get into a quiet room. Place your hands close to your ear and rub your fingers together. Can you hear the sound? Then, place your hands as far as you can from your ear and rub again. Can you still hear? If you do, it means your hearing is in perfect shape.

6. Arterial problems

Lay on the floor and put your feet up at a 45 degree angle. Keep them up for a couple of minutes. Check the color of your feet. If your feet are really pale, it means that you have bad blood circulation. Check this condition with your doctor, because if you leave it untreated, it can cause a heart attack or a stroke.

7. Predisposition to developing cardiovascular diseases

Climb a ladder, at least 10 steps, while singing. If you notice your house pounding or heavy breathing, it means that your lungs and heart can’t handle the physical activity.