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7 Health Issues That Might Indicate You Have An Iron Deficiency

Without enough iron, your body can’t produce enough red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. As a result, iron deficiency may leave you tired and short of breath. You can usually correct iron deficiency anemia with iron supplementation. Sometimes additional tests or treatments for iron deficiency anemia are necessary, especially if your doctor suspects that you’re bleeding internally.

Here are a few health issues that indicate you need a little bit more iron in your diet.

1. Headaches and dizziness

Having severe headaches and feeling dizzy might be a sign that not enough oxygen is getting to your brain. As a result, blood vessels in your brain swell up, which can lead to increased blood pressure. Although headaches are less common signs of iron deficiency, still if they accompanied with some other symptoms mentioned below, it’s an indication for sure.

2. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is the most obvious manifestation of iron deficiency. If your body struggles to get enough oxygen, then it is necessary to add more iron in your diet. If the problem is bad enough, you might not even have enough oxygen for doing the most basic physical activities such as walking or climbing up the stairs.

3. Being constantly tired

Feeling tired for no reason is one of the most common symptoms, affecting many people who aren’t getting enough iron. Your body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, which helps your red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. Without enough hemoglobin, less oxygen reaches your muscles and tissues, and takes away all the energy.

4. Losing your hair

If your hair gets thinner or falls out, it could also be a sign of iron deficiency. When iron deficiency gets bad enough, your body starts directing blood flow to your vital organs, leaving your scalp and hair dry in the process. Without enough oxygen, your hair will become weak, and will start to fall out.

5. Paleness

Without enough iron in your body, your skin can lose its elasticity and quality and become paler. The paleness can be all over the body, but it is mostly concentrated in areas like your face, gum, lower eyelids or nails.

6. Irregular heartbeat

Heart palpitations (noticeable heartbeats) are another sign of anemia caused by iron deficiency. If you feel like your heart is beating really fast, it means that not enough oxygen is making its way round your body. Your heart works harder to ensure enough oxygen reaches the necessary parts of your body, making you feel as if your heart is about to explode out of your chest.

7.Unusual cravings

The strange cravings for food you haven’t eaten before is also an indication of iron deficiency.  These weird cravings are especially apparent when you’re pregnant, and it could be partly down to an iron deficiency. If you find yourself wanting to eat weird foods or even non-edible foods like ice or even paper and chalk it could be a sign your body isn’t getting enough iron.