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7 Extremely Simple Ways to De-Stress Your Life

No matter what your job is or what you do for fun in your life, there is always going to be stress. Stress can make us unhappy, depressed, and even gain weight. This is why it is important to decrease the stress you have in your life. In fact, by decreasing stress, you can live a healthier and happier life. Here are 7 extremely simple ways to de-stress your life.

Let Go of Control

This is, of course, easier said than done. By trying to control everything around you, it can cause your life to become very stressful. Once you learn to let go and realize you can’t control other people or situations, the calmer you will be. Remember that you can only take care of yourself, and leave it up to others to take care of themselves. You don’t have to try to be a hero and fix everything. Let things be, so you can be happier.

Listen to Music

Chances are, you might already be doing this on a daily basis as music is everywhere. By listening to some of your favorite tunes on your drive to work, you can help to de-stress and get ready for the day ahead of you. Tough day at the office? Blast your favorite song on the ride home. By the time you arrive, you will leave the stress of work behind you.

There are studies that show heart rate and blood pressure can decrease just by listening to music.

Eat Healthier

Believe it or not, stress, anxiety and depression can be linked to poor diets. Try clean eating with lots of vegetables, some protein, and healthy fats. Stay away from carbs and sugar and don’t overeat. When you eat better, you will feel better. If you are going to have a nice treat once in a while-donut, ice cream, or whatever your favorite dessert is-limit it and enjoy it in moderation. If you are having a hard time changing your diet habits, you can write down what you are eating. This will hold you accountable for making healthier choices. You might also look into hiring a dietician or nutritionist to help you get on the right track!

Drink Less Alcohol

Perhaps no one likes to hear this piece of advice, but avoiding or cutting down on alcohol can certainly help you to be less anxious and stressed out. Some people report having bad anxiety after coming off of a night of binge drinking. Alcohol is also a depressant, so it can turn your mood sour even after the effects of alcohol have worn off.

Try drinking less and see the effects. If you really want to de-stress your life, commit to not drinking at all.

10 Minutes of Meditation

Meditating for just 10 minutes per day can have a significant impact on your stress levels. Sit in a quiet area and just focus on your breathing. When your thoughts begin to wander, realize it is okay and focus again on the breath. If you can do a morning and an evening session, you will find there are even more benefits. You can also do yoga to help de-stress your life.

Declutter and Downsize

Another way to de-stress your life is to get rid of clutter. If you really want to de-stress, you might even consider downsizing into a smaller house and getting rid of unnecessary things. Go through your clothes and books and children’s toys and only keep what you wear or use regularly. It might be time to get rid of some of these things that are causing your house to look and feel cluttered. The simpler your life, the less stressed out you are.

There are even options to build your very own house with a prefab cabin kit. By moving into a smaller house, you can really learn to live sensibly. You can find a suitable house for you and your family that will also make life more joyful.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

Exercising is probably the best way to de-stress. It can cause your brain to release hormones that make you happy. It can also help to get rid of anxiety. Make exercise a habit during the week. It will only take 2-3 trips to the gym for you to notice the stress lifting away. If you don’t have a gym membership, get some fresh air and walk or run outside. Weight training and cardio will be great exercises to help you de-stress your life

You don’t have to make big changes in your life to get big results. Stress can take a toll on your health and relationships. By taking care of your stress levels, you will lead a happier and healthier life. People will want to be around you and most importantly, you will feel good about yourself.