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7 Convincing Reasons Why You Should Let Your Kid Play Video Games

It is undeniable that kids love playing video games. Most parents object to their children playing video games primarily because they (parents) are not aware of the benefits and advantages of video games to children. Video games have limitless benefits that include educational and entertainment benefits. And here are 7 strong reasons why parents should let their kids play these games:


Video games enhance problem-solving

Video games engage the mind for solutions on how to solve challenges and win the games. These games require kids to use their minds for logical solutions and quick processing of data. The best thing about these games is that kids do not absorb content passively like in TV programs. This is because the games require full concentration and input from the kids.

One good tip for parents is to teach their children problem-solving skills early in life. These skills are important as they make it easy for the kids to understand their studies and effectively solve academic problems like in mathematics. And playing games is a fun way to accomplish that. In addition to this, the games also make it easy to understand and comprehend formulas and facts taught in school.

Video games develop social characters in kids

Video games promote social interaction. This is particularly true for multi-player games that require players to engage other players while playing. Social characters and skills in kids are very important as they enable them to relate well with other kids. In addition to this, video games have large fanbases (both online and offline) that strongly advocate for social interaction.

Video games promote positive reinforcement

Video games use a concept of rewarding success and providing support to players to improve their playing skills. This positive reinforcement makes it easy for kids to put effort even in other aspects such as education, sports, and other activities with the aim of getting rewarded for their input. The appreciation for effort in video games is a motivation for kids to keep trying without the fear of losing.

Positive reinforcement goes a long way in enhancing confidence thereby enabling kids to believe in your efforts and remaining positive even when not winning. In addition to this, video games teach children that they do not have to win at all times. This is the reality of life whereby winning and losing are part of life.

Video games promote strategic thinking

Video games promote objectivity about their level of playing as well as their performance. Strategic thinking when playing video games comes about through assessing your playing skills and identifying your strong and weak areas. While most video games highlight the need to become winners, there are some which put emphasis on improving your skills even when not winning.

Strategic thinking is very important in life as it enables kids to diversify their thoughts and unleash their potentials in other areas such as exploring their talents or abilities. Video game players learn about how to use their expertise and knowledge in solving challenges and hardships in life.

Video games teach children how to express their emotions

Video games can excite different types of emotions in children. For instance, a video game can be exhilarating, intriguing, frustrating and difficult. The nature of the game can give rise to a range of different emotions in children. For instance, if a game is frustratingly difficult, the child may feel frustrated and may start throwing away things around the house. However, a good video game encourages children to accept defeat and express their emotions by improving their playing skills.

Video games help parents connect with their children

A video game provides parents with a chance to connect and bond with their children by playing the games with them. Even though you may be involved in your child’s life, a video game enables parents to interact and socialize with children in their own turf. Playing video games with your child fosters engagement and helps build strong bonds.

Video games teach resilience

At some point when playing video games, children learn resilience and remain tough even when they lose continuously. Children learn failure in relative privacy such that their exposure to failure in school may not make them feel humiliated or embarrassed. When playing video games with your children, you should teach them the need to accept failure and not become sore losers.

Conventional wisdom provides that time and effort spent when playing video games goes a long way in imparting useful life skills and personalities in children. These video games engage the mind thereby enhancing efficient use of the brain for logical and critical thinking in children.