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6 Simple Ways to Naturally Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay

Dental health is very important and need your attention and proper regular care. If you are one of those who hate going to the dentist, then you can try these simple and easy ways to prevent tooth decay on your own.

Here are 6 natural tricks that you can do at the comfort of your home to prevent tooth decay and reverse cavities.

1. Chew sugar free gums

The most sugar free gums contain Xylitol, which is a natural sweetener that can stop the growth of bacteria in your mouth and help prevent tooth decay. Chewing sugarless gums also helps your mouth fills with saliva that can naturally wash off food remains.

2. Add vitamins and supplements to your diet

Probably you already know that consuming foods rich in sugar leads to tooth decay. That’s why it’s important to avoid eating candies and sweets, in order to help your saliva fight dental plaque. Incorporating vitamins in your diet are good for your dental health and here are some tips how to include them:

  • Consume a lot of foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, nuts, and vegetables to promote salivation. Eat more apples, bananas, Brussels sprouts, and peas.
  • Eat whole grain foods that contain iron and vitamin B and iron. Also, whole grains contain magnesium, which helps absorb calcium and strengthen your teeth.
  • Eat seafood to get more vitamin D from your meals such as salmon, herrings, canned tuna, and sardines.

3. Follow a basic dental care routine

To maintain a good dental care and protect your teeth from early decay, include these steps in your dental care routine twice a day, in the morning and before going to sleep.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly for 2 minutes at least twice a day. When brushing your teeth, try to reach out to the farthest corners.
  • Floss your teeth every day. Flossing your teeth helps you pull out any remaining food from underneath your gums, and get rid of the germs that are stuck there.
  • Use mouthwash regularly. The mouthwash has an antibacterial effect and helps you get rid of any remaining bacteria in your mouth.

4. Clean and change your toothbrush very often

When it comes to appropriate dental care, choosing a right brush is a must, as well as cleaning or changing it regularly.

  • When buying a toothbrush, always look for a small or a medium-sized brush. Also make sure the brush’s bristles can reach into the crevices of your molars where food remains after meals.
  • Never cover your toothbrush because it is a great place for grounding microorganisms and bacteria. After brushing your teeth, just rinse your brush with water and leave it to air dry.
  • It’s important to change your brush regularly because its bristles weaken with time and long usage. You can never clean your teeth thoroughly with an old brush as you can do it with a new one.

5. Make your own remineralizing toothpaste

Make your own remineralizing toothpaste using only natural ingredients. Here is what you need:

  • 4 tbsp. calcium powder
  • 1 tbsp. stevia
  • 1 tbsp. sea salt
  • 2 tbsp. baking soda
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil

Mix all the ingredients until you get a paste. Use this mixture as a substitute for your regular toothpaste.

Note: Don’t use this toothpaste for more than 30 days in a row due to its abrasive structure and absence of fluoride.

6. Try coconut oil pulling

To protect your teeth from decay naturally and prevent cavities, you can try coconut pulling. The coconut oil pulls bacteria out of your teeth and heals them. Just put one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth. Keep it in your mouth for about 20 minutes until your saliva and the oil turn into milky white color. Don’t swallow it. This technique is so simple and very effective!