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6 Incredible Habits Your Skin Will Be Grateful For

A well-groomed woman is a woman with healthy looking and beautiful skin. To achieve that look, women use tons of beauty products, scrubs, peels, creams, moisturizers, masks…

Unfortunately, all that army of beauty products doesn’t always give the desired results. To help you have radiant and clear skin, we’re giving you some skin care rules that work like magic.

Here are the 6 incredible beauty rules:

1. Wash your makeup brushes regularly

Washing your makeup brushes must become a regular part of your routine. Dirty makeup brushes can cause allergies, acne and many skin problems. Use shampoo to thoroughly clean all your brushes and sponges.

2. Change your diet

Fatty foods and sugar are the enemies of your skin. If you want to have clear and radiant skin you need to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

3. Don’t overuse the facial scrub

Scrubs are great since they help you get rid of dirt and dead skin cells and they make your skin clean, fresh and smooth. On the other hand, too much scrubbing can cause skin inflammation. If you have dry skin, use soft exfoliating lotion instead of the ordinary scrub.

4. Clean your smart phone’s screen with special cleaning wipes

Sometimes cell phones can cause itching, swelling and redness near your cheekbones. A study has shown that your phone’s screen contains more bacteria than a toilet seat.. Prevent the bacteria going on your face by regularly cleaning your smart phone’s screen.

5. Pay attention to the signals that your body sends you

Redness, irritation and swelling can sometimes be a sign of health issues. Don’t ignore the signals your body sends you.

6. Avoid extremely hot showers

Very hot showers can destroy the skin’s protective layer of lipids and can cause dryness and wrinkling.
