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6 Helpful Tips to Pick the Best-Fitting Bra for Mature Women

We often ignore the needs as a grown-up, especially when it comes to innerwear. Even mature women need help in this department to look great and feel great.

The rules are the same as picking a bra for a younger woman, but for the mature woman, we have to consider her comfort and agenda. What makes a younger woman comfortable may not be comfortable for someone more mature.

Therefore, for all those mature women struggling to find the right bra, or who are just wanting to educate themselves about this topic, here are a few tips to help you pick the best-fitting bra.

1. Know Your Shape

Before you go shopping for bras, understand the shape of your breasts. Your shape won’t stay the same as when you were younger. It must have changed a lot over the years.

So have a quick check in the mirror to understand your shape. If you have round breasts, balconette bras will make you look super good.

For women with slender boobs, push-up bras will give you the extra volume you need. If you have east-west breasts, you will notice a wide slope in the middle, and your boobs are likely to be pointing to the sides. Push-up bras are also recommended for you.

People with asymmetric boobs have boobs that are not equal in size. Bras with removable pads are perfect for you. Lastly, people with bell-shaped or tear-shaped breasts should find a bra with full coverage to avoid spillage.

2. Band Size

The measurement around the rib cage is the band size we are talking about. Put on a bra and see how it fits you when you look sideways in the mirror. If the band is not horizontally placed, it’s not the right size for you.

The right bra won’t create any wrinkles on the sides either. The center should also be perfectly placed between your boobs. If it comes forward, you need a larger cup.

The ideal band would let you breathe easily. Test its elasticity by inserting two fingers beneath it. That should tell if it’s too tight, too loose or just right.

3. Cup Size

Put on a bra in the trial room, and see if your boobs fill up the cups completely. If not, you will need a smaller cup. But if your boobs are spilling out, then you will need a bigger cup.

Underwire bras are not recommended for mature women, because it’s not comfortable. But if you still wish to wear it, make sure it’s not digging into your skin.

Furthermore, for those of you with uneven breasts, you can use silicone or gel inserts to even out the differences in the two breasts. Just so you know, they are also quite comfortable.

4. Bra Straps

Just like the bands, the straps have to give you comfort, without causing irritation and pain. You have to try the two-finger technique again to test out the elasticity of the straps. It will tell you whether the straps are the right fit for your skin or not.

You can also adjust the straps according to your comfort level. To prevent your boobs from sagging too much, you can do this little trick – shorten the straps for a nice lift!

5. Front Closure Bras

Front closure bras are great for women of all ages. The bras are designed to fasten at the front, so you won’t have to struggle to fasten it at the back.

These bras are ideal for mature women with arthritis and disability. It just makes things so easy for everybody.

Not only will this bra give your boobs a good lift, but you can also sleep wearing it if your boobs are too saggy.

Just make sure you are not getting the ones with underwires, as they are uncomfortable. Also, front closure bras are available with velcro fastening, which is a life saver.

6. Quality and Stability

Whenever you are shopping for a bra, you should trust only the good brands. Look for brands that provide high-quality material that will last for a very long time.

Take help at the store to understand the material and texture of the bra. Be careful if you have allergies though.

Although some women may prefer cotton, however, synthetic bras will be able to give you the lift that you desire. A good synthetic bra will last for a long time and won’t change shape after a few washes.

You can trust anything from nylon, spandex to microfibre.

7. Pricing

The perfect bra will fit you right, it will be functional and visually appealing. Hence, it may cost a little higher and that is okay.

You have to focus on the overall outcome of this purchase, as many women waste a lot of money buying the wrong bra. So, now that you know all the facts about finding the right bra for yourself, you will be able to make the right purchasing decisions.

Final Thoughts

The good thing about shopping for bras for mature women is that you can make decisions quickly. That is because, the needs are simple, not like their younger counterparts.

Women want to feel comfortable when they wear bras. They also want to look good with a little lift and have good posture under their clothes.

Considering all of these, the above guide will definitely help them make the right shopping decision. Best of luck shopping!

Author Bio:

Angie Grey, an expert author from Faveable.com brings you all you need to know about fashion and grooming. She loves the outdoors and travels the world like a nomad.