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5 Ways to Stay Fit On A Budget

Health and fitness is something that should be important to everyone. It can also be extremely hard.  Life can be chaotic with work, chores, and homework. There are many ways that you can incorporate health and fitness into your life that can be easy for you and your family to commit too. Let’s take a look.

Eating healthy

You’ve probably heard of the phrase “You are what you eat” and that is quite true. If you want to achieve fitness and health, you need to start eating healthy food. Most people think that choosing to eat healthily is more expensive than eating the normal way. And by normal, I mean eating fast food regularly or not even planning out your diet. Eating healthy can be expensive if you follow trends setup and popularized by some social media influencer out there. Or when you catch the wave of some media frenzy like the buzz about quinoa, coconut water, and the likes.

Healthy food does not need to be expensive, in fact, it can be very cheap. One thing you can do is to eat at home. Cook your own food and refrain from eating out. Visit your local market and scout for some budget-friendly ingredients. Look for items on sale. Many grocery stores will discount food they closer it gets to its expiration date. You can’t be too sure about the way a restaurant cooks their delicious food, but you sure are aware of the ingredients and the way you cook your meal in your own kitchen. You have the control of salt, sugar, spice, and everything nice.

Join a Sport Club

Think of the good old school days when you looked forward to getting dirty, sweaty and bruised, PE class. Whether you enjoyed volleyball, basketball, football or table tennis, the thing is you had fun and all the while you are fit, active and healthy.

Revisit those golden times by joining a sports club in your neighborhood, or workplace. Visit a local sports park and there are probably a group of people engaging in activities like you did when you were young. The membership fee for this type of activity is relatively cheaper than joining a gym.


Walking is our basic way of transportation, but did you know it is also one of the healthiest activity? According to Mayo Clinic, a 30-minute brisk walking can help you burn about 150 calories. That is like burning out the excess weight from eating a piece of candy or cookie. Walking can be done anytime and anywhere, and for free!


Practicing yoga can look like an expensive, classy activity fit for the rich. But, its great for all fitness levels. Joining a yoga class is not necessary anymore, but having a smartphone is. There are many available apps in the app store for yoga and meditation. The good news is that most of them offer free basic and beginner’s steps and sometimes even premium free trials. The beauty of practicing yoga is that you can do it anywhere you are comfortable. All you need is a space of about 23 inches wide and 68 inches long – the size of a yoga mat.

Getting Quality Sleep

As a kid, we cried when our parents asked or remind us that it’s night night time. We should have listened to our parents, they know too well the luxury of sleeping. Adults are recommended to have around 7-8 hours of sleep at night. But with the busy overachieving goals we have as millennials we are happy to get five.

If you want to stay fit and healthy, getting a quality sleep might be the only thing you need. Quality sleep increases your skeletal muscle, keeps your endurance high, and body’s ability to recover from stress fast.