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5 Things to do for Building a Stronger Relationship with Women

All human beings have a social life to some extent, and relations cannot simply be subsided from this life. It is often perceived that getting to know females is harder than males because of various reasons, for men and even other women. The basics remain the same; think of the other person as a human too. However, the following measures may help individuals build stronger relations with women.

1. Refrain from “I thought you were like all my other friends”

A girl will have differentiated opinions on a lot of things you can simply assume to hold the same for her as you do for yourself. It is of utmost significance to recognize and appreciate her perspective on the choices she makes in her life, and as a good friend it is only human to be encouraging towards what is right and makes her happy.

2. Sharing is indeed caring

There comes a time in a growing relationship (friendly and affectionate) when the girl will start feeling at ease sharing important developments and happenings in her life with you. With this step forward she will not tell you, but expect you to understand that she has a right to know about your life in as much depth as she tells you. And obviously if a relationship actually has grown from both sides, you will want to let it out but feel a bit hesitant. Letting go of the hesitation makes the bond stronger!

3. Appreciate her existence

Absolutely nothing pleases a woman as much as appreciation. These do not just include compliments on physical appearance or cooking skills, but appreciation of how you are lucky or really thankful to have a person like her in your life to share the joys and sorrows with. It will make her feel closer to you and she will consider spending more time with you because you acknowledge all she does or tries to do for you. Again, say it when you really mean it, because there is no relationship if you do not!

4. Help her out with her work

This particular point extends to generally all women in your world, even your mother and sister. Helping your mother out with home chores one day when you can afford to do so will make her feel a lot better and she will connect better with you and appear more understanding, after all, “Family Quotes” suggests that family is the only force that stays with you throughout.

5. Initiate conversation

As trivial as this seems, there are times when fights and breakups are all caused because of the guy not messaging first. This sends an obvious looking message to the girl: you are either uninterested in her or too egotistical. It is hard to define the feeling one gets before messaging first, but please set all hesitation aside and message first showing that you actually care, because this will make her feel ensured in the importance you have for her and ultimately improve your relationship.