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5 Signs Of Zinc Deficiency and How to Solve It

Zinc is a crucial mineral for the body. You may not be aware of how much you need it until your body develops problems with function at the cellular level.

Here are 5 signs that indicate you might have zinc deficiency:

1. You get sick more often

If you get often sick with flu and colds, you might have a zinc deficiency. Zinc helps your immune system fight viruses and bacteria, creating necessary cells, lymphocytes and proteins. Severe zinc deficiency depresses the immune function, impair neutrophil functions and macrophage.

2. You’re losing hair

If you notice too much hair on your brush, you might be having zinc deficiency. Zinc is an important mineral that influences the hair follicle. When you suffer from zinc deficiency, the cells will weaken your scalp, causing your hair to break or fall out. Zinc deficiency also causes hair loss.

3. Your appetite decreases

If you notice your appetite decreasing or that your food doesn’t taste as good as it used to, you might have zinc deficiency. Zinc actually affects your body’s senses and therefore cause a decrease in appetite. Zinc also affects your stomach acid production and lack of zinc can reduce your appetite and make your intestines more sensitive.

4. You can’t sleep at night

Zinc deficiency can also keep you up at night and worsen your sleep quality.

5. Your wounds heal very slowly

When you suffer from zinc deficiency, your wounds and cuts will take forever to heal. Zinc plays a key role in regulating the wound healing process, from membrane repair, coagulation, immune defense etc. If you have a zinc deficiency, your skin won’t be able to start the repair process and therefore, your wounds will be susceptible or further damage and bacteria.

Add more zinc in your diet by eating more red meat, oysters, pumpkin seeds, chicken, pork, whole grains, nuts and beans.