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5 Signs He’s Probably Cheating on You

Your intuition is the number one sign that your partner is cheating on you. Listen to your gut, it will probably take you to the right direction. Although there are times when your gut isn’t really foolproof and that’s why psychologist discovered the signs that indicate that you’re partner is a cheater. One sign alone isn’t a reason to call him a cheater but several are indication that something is wrong.


1. He’s Secretive With His Technology

There’s nothing wrong to have some privacy, but there’s a difference between privacy and him keeping all of his electronic devices on lock down or away from you. If he’s always taking his phone into the other room to text or to take a call and being especially secretive is a bad sign. Most men won’t let you read their e-mails or texts, but they won’t try to hide them either.

2. He’s Unavailable All of the Time

It’s easy for guys to find time to spend with someone else on the side. If he is suddenly coming up with reasons to leave the house at night, that’s a sign that he might be seeing someone else.

3. Your Intimate Life Has Radically Changed

A nonexistent intimate life is a sign that something is wrong with your relationship but a sudden over-the-top change is a bad sign also. Sleeping with two people at the same time is a huge turn on for him.

4. His Grooming Habits Have Gotten Better

You’ve been bagging him for month to trim his nose hair, but now all of a sudden he does it and he trims his man parts as well. A dramatic change in your partner’s appearance such as clothing, grooming and fitness habits is an indication that he’s trying to impress another woman.

5. He’s Always on the Defensive

If he gets really defensive when you ask him questions like Where have you been all day? Or Why couldn’t I reach you, then something is wrong. He’ll get caught up explaining for hours just to cover up that he is doing something he doesn’t want to tell you.