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5 Natural Ways to Get the Best Breast Augmentation Results

Breast augmentation is a surgical technique that uses breast implants to increase the size of the breasts. It remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries requested across the world, with many women opting for this procedure when they are in their early 20s. The surgery is relatively easy and should be complication-free for most patients who are in good physical health. The recovery period can bring a bit of discomfort with it for the first postoperative week, however most patients are back to their normal routine within just a few weeks.

The most effective way to ensure you get the best in results from your breast augmentation is to place your trust in your surgeon and follow the preoperative and postoperative instructions you are given.

There are some other natural methods that you can integrate into your recovery so that your body can better heal, and so that your results are everything that you’ve dreamed they could be.

  1. Eat right and stay healthy

It should go without saying that you should stop smoking at least two weeks in advance of your surgery, and for at least another two to four weeks after surgery. Staying healthy will help your body to better heal and to heal faster. This should also include a great healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with lean healthy proteins. You should do your utmost to avoid excess sodium, as this can lead to an increase in postoperative swelling.

  1. Be as active as your body allows

While you shouldn’t engage in any types of cardio or aerobic exercise until your surgeon has cleared you for such activities, you should still get up and walk around as much as your body allows you to. Even just a short walk around your kitchen can help to keep your blood flowing and also help to stave off the potential for a blood clot.

  1. Maintain your mental health and positive attitude

Many patients forget to take care of their mental health after a surgical procedure. Even an elective surgery like the breast augmentation procedure can lead to patients feeling a drop in the mood after the surgery. Recovery can be harder for some individuals, and they may not immediately see the results that they’d been hoping for. Reviewing breast augmentation details & gallery photos can help to reinforce that the recovery period is just a phase and it will pass.

If you feel that you need additional mental health support, do not hesitate to reach out to your support network.

  1. Discontinue medications and supplements

Prior to your surgery, it’s important that you are up front about any supplements, prescriptions and over-the-counter medications that you are taking. Your surgeon will be able to advise you as to which of them should be discontinued prior to your surgery. Some medications that may seem harmless may actually lead to an increased risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Aspirin is one of the drugs that falls into that category.

  1. Natural healing supplements and remedies

There are a number of natural solutions that can be used to speed up the recovery process, and can also help to minimize some of the potentially negative side effects that are quite often seen with recovery.

Vitamin C is known as being an antioxidant that can help to support your immune system during recovery. Bromelain is considered to be an effective and natural anti-inflammatory that can also help to reduce postoperative swelling. It is also known to help speed up recovery. Both of these can be found naturally in some of your favorite fruits and vegetables, particularly pineapple. Adding pineapple to your diet after surgery can help to keep you healthy and healing at the right rate.

Be sure to discuss any supplements or vitamins with your surgeon prior to taking them, to ensure that they are safe to take during recovery from a major surgical procedure. Ultimately, the guidance of your surgeon should take precedence over any other type of information you uncover.