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5 Killer Abs Exercises That Will Blow Your Mind!

This effective abs workout will help you tighten up and shape your abdominal muscles!

Here’s a list of 5 abs exercises with instructions on how to perform each exercise.


Crunches target the muscles between the abs and chest. If you have back problems, this exercise is a great alternative to sit-ups.

How to do it:

Lie down on the floor, bend your legs at the knees and clasp your fingers behind your head. Start raising your shoulders and torso off the floor without raising your back. Exhale and lower your torso back. Inhale while keeping your abs flexed. Do 10 reps.

Lying leg raises

Lying leg raises are the best exercises to tight up your lower abs.

How to do it:

Lie down on the floor and place your hands at your sides. Extend your legs straight, then start lifting them as you exhale until they’re upright. Then, inhale and start lowering your legs slowly back to the ground and stop just about 2.5 cm (~1 inch) off the floor. Do 10 reps.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers target multiple muscle groups, especially the core abdominal muscles.

How to do it:

Start with a push up position and put your hands at shoulder width apart under your chest. Remember, your posture should be in a straight line. Bring one leg while you knee is bent towards your chest. This is the starting position. Then, start switching your legs quickly, while extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and supported by the toe. Continue the exercise by switching the legs. Do 10 reps with each leg.


The plank engages every muscle in your core, develops core strength and increases your overall stability.

How to do it:

Put your body in a straight line and stabilize yourself on your forearms. Hold the position for as long as possible.


This exercise is very effective at strengthening your core and hip flexors. Avoid this move if you have some back problems.

How to do it:

Lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands behind your head and raise your upper body as you exhale, until your torso and your thighs create a V-shape. Then, start returning your body slowly back to the start. Inhale and repeat. Do 10 reps.

Complete 3 sets of each exercise.