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The 5 Best Tips on How to Stop Dating Wrong People

Are you one of those who can’t break the old patterns and fall in love with the same type of person, again and again? If so, you must be familiar with the results of those relationships. Read on for the 5 best relationship expert tips on how to finally find someone who’s just right for you.


Turn the attention to yourself

Instead of figuring out what gone wrong between you and your partner, try to turn your attention to yourself. Sometimes people with low self-esteem, end up with partners who treat them badly. But if you learn how to love yourself, you won’t allow being treated poorly ever again.

Be clear about your life values

When you know your life values, and you are talking openly about them, then you can easily find out what kind of partner you need. Simply choose a mate who has similar values if you want your relationship to last forever.

Talk to your family and friends

At the start of every new relationship, you see your partner through rose-colored glasses.  That’s why it is important to ask your friends and family about their opinion. They see things more objectively, so if they say, ‘You need to watch out for this person,’ you should probably listen. They can see his flaws, that you can’t notice.

Make a list of what you want

If you don’t have a clear sense of who you’re looking for, it’s easy to end up with someone who is not good for you at all. That’s why it is important to make a list of what qualities your partner should have, before to start dating.

Listen to your gut

Always follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone else and you can sense when something isn’t right. If you’re confident and honest about what you want, the rest will come naturally.