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4 Questions You Must Ask Your Dermatologist

Many experts strongly recommend to visit your dermatologist at once a year for a routine check-up. Once you’re in your dermatologist’s office, it’s important to be prepared with questions that will help you make the most of your visit.

Here are the 4 questions you must definitely ask your dermatologist:


1. Is my beauty routine working for my skin?

Your dermatologist must look at your skin carefully and analyze it thoroughly. He’s the person who can help you create the perfect skin care routine to fit your needs.

“There is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Extra products you use besides your moisturizer and cleanser could be causing the issues you do not like. A simple skin-care routine can work wonders where a complicated one fails, “explains Dr. Janet Prysowky, a board certified dermatologist.

She recommends you to bring your skin care products to your doctor so he can see what you’re actually putting on your face.

2. What Is This Rash/Bump/Nodule That Won’t Go Away?

If you have something on your skin that doesn’t want to go away, you need to ask for an expert opinion.

“Bug bites and pimples generally resolve within a month, whereas more serious conditions will not. A skin condition that persists or is worsening and cannot be easily explained could indicate a skin disease and require treatment,” explains Dr. Janet.

Some skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema aren’t curable but there are ways you can control them.

3. Where Do You See Signs of Sun Damage?

Your dermatologist can help you point out the places you’re not able to easily check if they’re damaged from all that sunbathing.

“Your scalp, ears, feet, and the back of your neck are all areas that are frequently unprotected from the sun and can be missed when checking for sun damage,” says Prystowsky.
Skin cancer can appear in some areas that are not often exposed to sunlight, like groin and buttock.

4. Do Any of My Moles Look Suspicious?

Maybe the mole on your lip is considered to be a beauty mark but that beauty mark can be a dangerous melanoma. It’s important to ask your dermatologist to check any moles that troubles you.

“Everyone should know the ABCDEs of melanoma. Worrisome signs can be moles that are Asymmetrical, have an uneven Border, have a variety of Colors, have a larger Diameter, and moles that have Evolved or changed over time. As a general rule, if your mole is small, uniform, and unchanging, then it is probably fine,” says Prystowsky.