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3 Ways to Reduce Stress when Running a Small Business

Any entrepreneur can tell you that running a small business is not always an easy ride. Running your own business can quickly become overwhelming at times; in fact, it’s easy to feel this way all the time during the early stages. This is because when you own a business, pretty much everything will fall on your shoulders. Keeping your customers, clients, and employees happy is your responsibility, and you’ll be expected to keep on top of a seemingly endless list of tasks and actions on a daily basis. The good news is that there are several stress reduction strategies that you can use to stay in control. In the long run, the stress can be worth it if you’ve always dreamed of being your own boss and providing a product or service that you are passionate about. Try these key strategies to stay calm:

#1. Delegate:

Trying to do everything all by yourself is a sure recipe for stress and can even lead to business failure. Whilst you might try to do as much as you can on your own in order to save money, don’t be fooled – it can actually wind up costing you more in the long run. Instead, look at what you’re good at, and what you could use a little help with. There’s no point in trying to keep your own books, designing your own website, or keeping your blog updated on your own if none of these things are your strengths. Whether you take on an accountant to help file your tax return or work with an agency to manage your social media accounts, letting someone else take some of the weight can be hugely relieving for you and financially beneficial for your company.

#2. Automate:

Wherever possible, using technology to automate tasks can take a load off your shoulders and make mundane, daily admin tasks easier to deal with. For example, online staff scheduling can save a significant amount of time compared to spreadsheets or pen-and-paper, leaving you with more free time to focus on other aspects of your company or to take a break to refresh your body and mind. Today you can find software solutions for just about every business process, whether it’s posting on social media or organising your payroll.

#3. Take a Break:

Working too hard for too long can quickly lead to burn-out, so don’t be afraid to take a break every now and then and leave your company in a pair of hands that you trust. Whether you get away for the weekend with family or simply spend some time relaxing at home, stepping back every once in a while can work wonders for reducing stress. Use your free time to engage in stress-busting activities such as getting more exercise, doing yoga, spending time with friends and family or focusing on your favourite hobbies.

Running a small business can be a very stressful experience, but there are many ways to reduce some of the tension. Would you like to add to this list? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.