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3 Things You Must Know Before You Go For a Med Spa

If you’ve been living a busy lifestyle for quite a while now, chances are you know what aging feels like.

And even though it’s a bitter pill to swallow, the fact remains the same, we are all going through this. Stressful jobs, traffic, pollution, adulteration in the food that we consume and the lack of essential nutrients, all of these degrade our skin and scalp quality.

This is one reason why many of us opt-in for med spas.

A state of the art facility offering a variety of procedures to upgrade human skin and hair quality. But will it be a good idea to simply walk in and sign up for the treatment?

Let’s find out. Here are the 4 things that you must know before you go for a med spa.

1. What to Expect from a Med Spa?

The first most important thing that you must know is what you can expect out of a medspa.

Different people go on for med spa sessions for different reasons. Some want to enhance hair growth with plasma rich treatments. Some want to lift up their cheeks. Some want a Botox injection and others want a Dysport wrinkle treatment.

In all cases, it’s important to know what you are going to ask for, how the treatment is performed, and what the final results will be..

For a better idea of the outcome, you can also reach out to the clinic directly prior to your visit. For reference, you can also reach out to David Ghozland, M.D. who is one of the expert med spa physicians of Los Angeles. He and his entire team will be happy to guide you.

2. What’s the Difference between a Med Spa and a Regular Spa?

As the name suggests, many people can confuse a med spa with a regular day spa. This is 100% incorrect and you must know the difference before you go on for any of these spa treatments.

At a med spa you can find more intense and invasive treatments than a regular spa. These treatments’ effect reaches the depths of the human body rejuvenating it from the inside, like the treatments at RenewMD Wellness MedSpa.

A regular spa on the other hand is way simpler than this. A facial peel or a manicure is something that can be classified under this category. 

3. What to Look for While Selecting a Spa?

Before you pick a clinic, make sure it has the following features.

  • A reputable medical director with a good track record
  • Well trained staff is a must
  • Check for up-to-date medical equipment
  • Have a word with old or existing patients (if possible)
Final words

If you’ve been thinking of going for a med spa, we’re sure you’d be excited about the treatment Now you know what to expect before you walk into your visit.