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3 Fat-loss Myths to Stop Believing Now

Over the years, people have resorted to all manner of things to lose fat. Some fraudulent marketers and some other unscrupulous characters have taken advantage of the gullible masses to sell them gadgets, slimming pills and concoctions, and bogus workout theories and programs, all in the name of ‘fat-loss solutions.’ These thieving fellows exploit our emotions, especially after the holidays when most people overindulge in all sorts of unhealthy habits and are vulnerable to this type of marketing. Fat loss can only be achieved by taking conscious steps like exercising and making some behavior changes, especially regarding diet. Those looking to lose weight can also consider taking well-researched and proven steroids like testosteron rotexmedica to facilitate fat loss by enhancing muscle building.

The following are some fat loss myths to ignore. Instead, take real action that will yield tangible results.

Losing weight with “detox” and “cleansing “programs

Many persons have been duped into thinking that they can quickly fix their long period of indulgence in unhealthy foods by detoxifying or cleansing. However, this is unfortunately not true, since the only effective way of achieving tangible long-term fat loss is by changing your lifestyle. Start by identifying any harmful health and lifestyle practices, then work on rectifying them. It has not been proven that certain tea, pills, diets, or extraordinary programs are effective at cutting down excess body fat and removing toxins.

Marketers bank on celebrity endorsements that are paid for by producers. Heavy marketing also depends on appealing to the emotions of those desperate to lose fat as fast as possible. Commercial fat loss solutions may result in a temporary fat loss due to dehydration, as most contain laxatives and encourage severe calorie restriction. Any weight loss is soon reversed in few days after the program is stopped. You can achieve real fat loss and detoxification by minimizing the toxins that you consume. Check your diet and do workouts to increase the body’s natural toxin elimination capacity.

Consuming fats makes you fat

There is a big misrepresentation of facts that any fat in your food is directly transformed into fat in your body. Moreover, this myth has even been perpetuated by some health organizations. The fact is that fat has a higher calorific content than other foods, and so, overeating fat may result in excess calorie-intake. It is also worth noting that not all fats are made equal. It has been proven by research from experts that intake of fats from natural sources, such as fish and nuts actually help to enhance your fat loss process. Natural sources of fat also contain essential fatty acids that are essential for the body to survive.

Abdominal workouts can remove abdominal fat

There is a notion that you can eliminate abdominal fat by working muscles around the area, which to some extent appears logical, but is totally flawed. While including a workout that involves abdominal muscles is part of a well-balanced routine, it has no direct effect on the abdominal muscles. The simple explanation for this is that “spot reduction” of the fat store is not possible, that is, the body does not consume the fat stores that are the nearest to the muscle being worked. Once the local energy in a muscle goes down, a signal is sent for energy packets from other parts of the body. After a workout is complete, the body is in a period of energy packet depletion. At this point, the liver sends for fat molecules from the adipose (fat) tissue to convert them into smaller, readily available energy packets.