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3 Essential Storytelling Elements for Women to Boost Your Business Growth

Did you know that storytelling is not just for children? Our brains are wired to remember and communicate information more effectively through stories.

If you want to tell stories that can help grow your business, there are three key elements you should include. As the owner of a digital marketing agency, we have the ability to track our clients’ revenue and connect it to the ads we run. For instance, if we work with an ecommerce client, we can tell them exactly how much revenue they make for each dollar they spend on ads, down to the last cent. This information can help our clients make informed decisions about their advertising budget and ultimately drive business growth.

When crafting your business story, there are three key elements that can help convince your clients to work with you. These elements are crucial in building trust and establishing credibility.
Firstly, your story should clearly communicate the value you offer to your clients. This could be in terms of your unique skills, experience, or the results you can deliver.

Secondly, your story should highlight the benefits of working with you. This could include how you can solve your clients’ problems, save them time and money, or help them achieve their goals.
Lastly, your story should showcase your passion and expertise in your industry. This can help establish you as a thought leader and build trust with potential clients.

By including these elements in your business story, you can create a compelling narrative that helps convince clients to choose you over your competitors.

Here are three storytelling elements:

#1 Storytelling “ A Hero “

In his book, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces,” author Joseph Campbell introduced the concept of “The Hero’s Journey.” It’s a familiar story where a hero starts in their comfort zone, but then receives a call to adventure. They leave their home, face challenges, overcome obstacles, and return transformed. This storyline can be found in many beloved books and movies, like “The Hobbit,” “Star Wars,” and “Harry Potter.”

However, when it comes to business, entrepreneurs often make a mistake by assuming that they or their company are the heroes. Donald Miller, in his book “Building a StoryBrand,” suggests a different approach. He advises positioning the customer as the hero and yourself as the guide. By doing so, you become a trusted resource to help customers overcome their challenges.

Imagine yourself as Gandalf to Bilbo Baggins, Obi-wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker, or Dumbledore to Harry Potter. By taking on the role of the guide, you can better serve your customers.

This technique has proven successful for entrepreneur Stacy Havener, CEO of Havener Capital Partners. Her agency assists investment boutiques in building, launching, and growing funds. Stacy explains that many firms in their industry focus on presenting a polished pitch that revolves around themselves. However, her team flips the script by making the prospect the hero. This approach has resulted in impressive outcomes, including a $10 million commitment after just one initial meeting.

By adopting this customer-centric mindset, you can create meaningful connections and empower your customers to achieve their goals.

#2 Storytelling Element “ A Challenge”

Imagine a story that goes like this: “We had a vision and worked hard to achieve it. And guess what? We did!” Not the most thrilling tale, right?

As entrepreneurs, we often fall into the trap of telling these mundane stories because we fear admitting that we face challenges. We want our clients to believe that everything will go perfectly if they choose to work with us. But here’s the thing: when we omit the element of challenge from our stories, we not only hide the truth but also miss a valuable opportunity to showcase our ability to overcome obstacles.

Enter Juliana Garcia, the mastermind behind a technique called “Elegant Vulnerability®.” She has helped business coaches generate millions in revenue by encouraging them to share their challenges. Juliana says, “You don’t have to have a flawless story or conceal the parts you’re ashamed of sharing. Your clients don’t expect you to be perfect. When you open up about your own challenges, you become a relatable and authoritative figure. This deepens trust and makes clients more willing to invest in you.”

According to Juliana, there’s an ideal balance when it comes to sharing challenges. Aim for a 50% ratio of personal stories to be relatable and 50% business training to showcase your expertise. High-paying clients are drawn to those who resonate with them on a personal level while demonstrating tangible results.

This is the future of online storytelling. A reasonable client understands that challenges are a part of the journey. What they truly seek is the reassurance that you have the ability to navigate and conquer those challenges swiftly. And there’s no better way to communicate that commitment to your clients than by sharing a story about overcoming a significant obstacle.

So, embrace the power of storytelling, be open about your challenges, and show your clients that you’ll always be there for them, no matter what.

#3 Storytelling Element “ A Lesson”

You know what’s even more important than talking about your victories? It’s sharing the valuable lessons you learned along the way.

Remember Aesop, the Greek slave who lived centuries ago? He was famous for his stories called Aesop’s Fables, like “The Fox and the Grapes,” “The Hare and the Tortoise,” and “The Goose and the Golden Egg.” Each fable had a practical lesson that listeners could easily apply to their own lives.

Including a lesson in your story isn’t about lecturing your customers. Instead, it’s about demonstrating that you’re not just capable of overcoming challenges, but also wise enough to prevent them from happening again. Interestingly, by sharing your past challenges or mistakes, you actually build your customers’ confidence in you.

In my business, which revolves around selling services to clients, storytelling plays a crucial role. But even if you sell products and have less direct interaction with customers, storytelling is still vital for your growth. Why? Because people prefer doing business with those they know, like, and trust. And nothing helps people feel like they know you, like you, and trust you more than telling stories where the customer is the hero, a thrilling challenge is faced, and a valuable lesson is learned. So, why not incorporate this type of storytelling into your marketing and sales strategy? You’ll be amazed at how your customers will rally around you.