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10 Ways to Detox and Lose Weight After The Holidays

The holiday season can be just like a 2 week binge fest for many of us. The over-abundance of fatty foods, deserts and alcohol can be both exhilarating and intoxicating. We eat, we get drunk, we eat some more, and we definitely don’t get enough sleep. Once the festivities are over, doing a “detox” will help you lose a few pounds and feel like yourself again. Here are 10 ways to detox and lose weight after the holidays.


Drink water

We often mistake thirst for hunger, and forget to drink enough water throughout the day. When you feel hungry and want to reach for a quick snack, think of drinking a glass of water first. You might realize that the feeling in your tummy was actually thirst. Drinking water not only helps you detox, it also makes you feel full. Have a tall glass of filtered water before your meal, it will  encourage you to serve yourself a smaller portion.

Add goodies

If you do not want to feel deprived from the foods you love, you must replace the junk with tasty and healthy food. Try new recipes, superfoods and spices to enhance the flavours in your new detox diet for weight loss. Eat nuts, seeds or dried fruits instead of chips. Make nutritious home made deserts instead of buying industrial sweets. Add natural supplements to your smoothies like raw cacao, hemp, spirulina or maca. Make your detox diet plan fun, not a nightmare!

Count to 10

Experts say that on average, cravings disappear after 10 minutes. So, next time to want to run to the store to get a bag of chips, set your alarm for 10 minutes and see if it passes. Drink a glass of water, go for a run, vacuum, call a friend. Try to think of something else than that bag of Doritos! You’ll be proud of yourself once that craving is gone, and you will be one step closer to your weight loss goal.

Make weekly resolutions

If you try to do it cold turkey, you might fail. If your ultimate goal is to eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet, doing it all at once might be a hard task. Start week 1 with a grocery list that does not contain any junk food. Instead, buy a trail mix with no added salt or oil. Week 2, replace the sodas and industrial juices with fresh smoothies and juices. Week 3, eliminate dairy products. Try plant based milk and nut cheese. Week 4, try not to eat any meat. Eat beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and see how you feel. If you like your new lifestyle, continue on this detox diet for another month. Who knows, maybe you will make this new diet a regular thing!

Eat more often

To control the hunger and boost energy levels, eat lighter meals, more frequently. Eating five small meals per day instead of three big meals has shown to be effective for weight management. Having light and healthy snacks throughout the day can reduce cravings and improve your mood, while providing enough fuel for your body’s daily activities.

Eat light at night

Most of the calories we eat are burnt during the day when you we are more active. Try to eat a light meal at dinner, like a soup or a salad, because these foods are easily digested and do not promote weight gain. Avoid fatty foods and deserts. Our digestive system slows down at night so don’t go to bed with a full stomach. The earlier you eat, the better.

Spice up your meals

Use cayenne pepper to spice up your meals and yes, for weight loss! Did you know that eating spicy food like hot peppers and cayenne can help you lose weight? Researchers have found that our brown adipose tissue that generates heat by burning fat when we are cold, can also be activated by capsaicin, the compound that makes hot peppers hot. Spice it up!

Dump the sodas

Soft drinks are just empty calories that promote weight gain. They only provide you with a rush of sugar followed by an immediate energy crash. If you are truly thirsty, reach for water or prepare a nutritious smoothie that will both nourish you and hydrate you.

Quit the booze

Remember that alcohol contains calories. It does not only intoxicate your liver and kidneys, it also provides your body with a massive load of sugar, which is most likely to be stored in fat. Plus, unless you’re a superhero, chances are that you will skip the gym when the hangover kicks in tomorrow. So stay on track with your weight loss goals by ditching the booze for a while.

Be positive

No one is perfect. Making a few mistakes along the way is normal. Take this weight loss program one step at a time and start fresh if you ever slip up. You can achieve your goals even if you overeat one night at the party. Don’t beat yourself up and just get back on track immediately.  Focus on your results and not on your mistakes.

A little bonus

If you’re up for it, try fasting for a week. This is one of the oldest method of purification. Not eating permits your body to shut down the digestive system and repair every cell of the body. And it comes with a bonus: rapid weight loss. When there is no food, the body’s survival mode starts burning fat for energy, resulting in weight loss. A 7 day detox and colon cleanse can help you lose 5 to 10 kg, more or less. It can also help you heal skin problems, allergies, inflammation, and to kill parasites and Candida Albicans, which are often responsible for our inability to lose weight.