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The Active Ingredient in Hot Sauce Might be the Answer to Your Health Concerns

Did you know that hot peppers contain an active ingredient called capsaicin that is extremely beneficial for your overall health?

Capsaicin has antioxidant, cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory properties. Doctors claim that people who eat spicy food 3 or more times a week have a 14% reduced risk of death than people who don’t eat spicy food.


People who eat spicy foods 3-7 times a week have a 14% reduced risk of dying from heart diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer.

This information comes from a study done by looking at the dietary regime of ½ million Chinese adults. It’s a known fact that Chinese food is food with heat, which means we can trust the results from the study.

David Popovich, senior lecturer at Massey University in New Zealand and an expert on peppers, says that there is no reason not to add some hot sauce on your dish. He loves putting hot sauce on every single meal he eats.

“Capsaicin is a fat-soluble molecule, meaning you can absorb more when it’s eaten with fat. So, again, chowing down on a platter of wings is actually easily digested by your body (thanks to the hot sauce),” says David.

“The more fiery the pepper-the greater its capsaicin content.”

If you can handle the heat, don’t think twice about adding spicy foods into your diet.

David Popovich claims that capsaicin can even kill cancer cells.

“That’s one of the ways scientists think capsaicin and other active compounds in vegetables can prevent cancer development: by stimulating apoptotic cell death.”

The bottom line is that hot sauce can help you digest the food easier, also prevents cancer cell growth.

Eat more spicy foods and fight cancer with heat!

Read more: Can Spicy Food Help You Live Longer!?