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Scratch Your Ear to Soothe Soar Throat and Blow on Your Thumb To Calm Nerves

By applying pressure to certain parts of your body, keeping the mind distracted, you can overcome even the most frustrating illnesses, worries and pains.

If you feel nervous, have a sore throat or stuffy nose, just give these helpful hacks a shot.

Here are some helpful hacks that will have a surprising effect on your body.


Soothe A Sore and Tickling Throat Simply By Scratching Your Ear

If you suffer from a sore or scratchy throat, hot tea or salt water will definitely help you relieve the pain. But the secret behind the lasting throat relief is scratching your ear. Scott Schaffer, M.D., ear, nose and throat specialist recommends you every time you have tickles in your throat to scratch your ear. By scratching your ear, you stimulate its nerves, creating a reflex in the that can cause a muscle spasm. This spasm relieves the tickling.

Calm Your Nerves With Cold Water

When you feel stressed and don’t know how to relax, just splash a cold water on your face! Hold your breath and feel the ice-cold water on your skin. This simple trick makes  “mammalian diving reflex” in your brain, which forces your body to use oxygen more efficiently and calms you down.

Get Rid Of Stuffy Nose By Pressing Your Tongue

A stuffy nose can be really annoying. To solve nasal congestion, stuffiness, or obstruction to nasal breathing, just try this trick. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and one finger against each of your eyebrows. This pressure on your vomer bone with cause it rock back and forth will loosen any mucus. Do this for about 20 seconds and you will feel the relief instantly.

Make The Toothache Disappear In Seconds

This helpful trick definitely will make the toothache disappear in a second. Just place an ice on the back of your hand. Rub it back and forth on the webbed area between your index finger and your thumb. These parts are filled with nerve pathways that run pain signals from the face and hands to the brain, and the cool temperatures will block the messages they’re trying to send!

Calm Nervousness By Blowing On Your Thumb

Calm your nerves once for all with this simple trick. Just blow on your thumb for a few seconds and nervousness will disappear. It may sound strange, but doing this helps you to regulate breathing, controls vagus nerve, which helps slow your heart rate.

Lessen The Chance Of Burn Scars to Appear

Instead of placing an ice pack after a nasty burn, just press the pads of your fingers against the affected area gently. This will bring your skin back to body temperature less rapidly, which will reduce the risk of blisters appearing. Your skin will heal naturally and there is no chance a burn scar will appear.