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Little Life Hacks For Working Moms

Mothers who work may, in one way or another, experience dilemma on how to play different roles–mother, wife, businesswoman or employee–in just one day; furthermore challenging when children get sick and you seem to be torn between leaving home and reporting for work.

No worries mommies, we got your back with some life hacks.

When Schedules are Overwhelming

Mothers who stay home and those who go to the office apparently share an equal amount of busyness in life. The only difference is, mothers who stay at home are more likely to focus on two major things: family members who left home for school or work, and household chores.  Working mothers, on the other hand, may have three major things to watch for:  family members at school and work, the house/or family left at home, and the tasks in the office. The latter may be listing more but cannot undermine the weight of responsibilities of the first.

Plan Ahead To MultiTask

Make A To-Do List, starting with the priority tasks. Jotting down a list of things that need to be done for the day or week will keep you well-organized and feeling accomplished.

Do Things In Increment

First things first. Work on the most important thing to accomplish for the hour or the day, but make room and anticipate interruptions like making or answering calls from loved ones.

Daily “Me Time”

Despite your busy schedule, give yourself “me time” even just for a few minutes in a day: read a book, browse a fashion mag or try on the new makeup you just bought. Insert little things that please you to lessen stress and avoid feeling consumed.

When Someone Is Sick

A mother is always the go-to person whenever someone is sick at home. She may not be a medical expert but knows some things to get a sick family member remedied.

First Aid At Home

Have a first aid/emergency kit at home to treat minor injuries, cuts and burns: adhesive tape, alcohol wipes, allergy medicine, aloe vera gel, antibiotic ointment, bandages, calamine lotion, cold packs, elastic bandages, gauze rolls and pads, hand sanitizer, hydrocortisone, latex-free gloves, pain relievers, saline wound wash, scissors and tweezers.

Emergency Drill

Aside from community-based emergency training, conduct your own emergency orientation and drill at home. Having every family member become knowledgeable and aware of how to deal with untoward incidents will give you the self-confidence that they can take care of themselves even when you’re at work.

Utilize The Power Of Technology

Technology has transformed our way of living, doing business and even health care. The implementation of clinical informatics significantly reduces the outrage that patients feel about long wait times, inflated drug prices and meager insurance coverage. From in-home, on-demand video consultations to cloud-based applications that monitor patients’ symptoms and remind them about appointments and medications, information technology allows for higher efficiency and cost-effectiveness in health care, something that can make every patient immediately feel a little better.

Mothers are superhumans, carrying a load of worries inside but still flash the brightest smile outside.