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Do Girls Really Like It When Guys Text Them Sexual Innuendo?

Texting is one of the most common ways to have a conversation with a girl or guy you like, whether you’re in a casual relationship or just getting started. It is also a convenient and confidential way to communicate with someone just about anything, especially if distance is an issue. The good thing about short messages sending is that you can communicate a lot without saying much. Another awesome thing about texting is that it is sometimes easier to express yourself through a text message than through a phone call or a one on one conversation. In the world of dating, texting has a whole lot more than just these few benefits.

A past study published in PubMed in 2013, found that about 51% of adults liked using texts for deep personal conversations with their opposite sex. But then again, what is sexual innuendo? Do girls like it when guys text them sexual innuendo? The answer can be both yes or no, depending on the prevailing circumstances. Let’s find out with the help of the few pointers below.

What Is Sexual Innuendo?

There are various definitions of the phrase sexual innuendo. According to the urban dictionary, for instance, sexual innuendo refers to the saying or texting of words that convey a sexual message while seeming quite innocent. Another definition is where one conveys a sexual-related message in an implicit or less explicit manner. The main goal of sexual innuendo is to create sexual tension without making it so obvious in your words or text, say by replacing sexual terminology with other words that would give the same impression, especially if you don’t know how to text a girl. However, sometimes sexual innuendos tend to create misunderstanding, and it is thus important to know that the person or girl you are communicating to will get the intended message. This brings us back to the main question, do girls really like it? Well, the answer can be both yes or no, depending on a few factors.

 Yes and No!

The use of sexual innuendos when texting a girl is more or less the same as text-flirting, which is sometimes also known as sexting. However, whether the girl likes your texts in this way will depend on whether you’re making the conversation interesting by using sexual jokes that she can feel comfortable and stay interested in the conversation. Sometimes it also depends on the girls’ personality, so you can always expect some drawbacks when using sexual innuendos. You might say something that upsets her in the text, especially if you seem needy.

Your texts should bone fun, sexy, and enticing enough to get her engaged. Girls also like text with sexual innuendos when it looks as if you’re having fun and moving the conversation forward without dwelling on a point that turns out to upset her. Remember, the use of sexual innuendo can easily backfire if the conversation is not fun and playful and if she’s not comfortable opening up.

There are quite a number of examples of funny, creative, sexy jokes you can use to strengthen the bond with your girl or build attraction using text messages. You just have to use it right, and maybe do your homework before to determine the kind of person the girl really is. If you’re completely clueless, you can drop a sexual innuendo every once in a while to see her reaction, but of course, do not exaggerate if she’s not down to it at first.