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Foods and Body Creams You Need to Avoid to Defeat Acne on Your Back

You want to wear your new backless shirt, but you can’t because you have too many acne on your back? Blame your diet and skin care routine.


Acne mainly appears on the back because our back has many sweat glands. Back acne can be caused by too much proteins in your diet or body creams that clog the sweat glands.

If you want to stop the appearance of acne on your back, you need to avoid using heavy body creams, massage oils and greasy sun creams. Use light products that are easily absorbed into your skin instead.

Back acne can be also caused by wearing some clothing materials. During warm water, wear cotton clothes that won’t irritate your skin. Shower often to wash away the sweat, but use soft and light shower gel.

Try eating more fruits and vegetables instead of fried and unhealthy foods.

If your condition gets worse, visit a dermatologist.

To prevent the appearance of back acne, use body scrubs and cleansing creams that have a soothing effect.