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Food Safety – Best Practices

Food is very important for all of us. We tend to be very selective when we buy foods as we look at the labels, check the ingredients, check the expiry date etc. When we give so much importance to buying food, why then do most of us forget the basic food safety principles. Many diseases are caused by poor management of food and hence it is important to the best food safety practices.

Keep hands and kitchen clean

Bacteria such as E.coli, salmonella etc are the causes of many illnesses like diarrhoea, fever, vomiting etc., and they abound in the kitchen without your knowledge. Hence it is important to always keep your kitchen clean. This can be done by frequently cleaning the kitchen counters. You should also use separate boards to cut meat and vegetables. Bacteria are found in meat and vegetables and handling and cleaning them separately is advisable. Keep the cutting boards, meat and vegetables away from children too. Always keep your hands clean before cooking. Hands are usually full of bacteria as we take care of our pets, use the bathroom etc. It is advisable to wash your hands for at least a minute with soap and water. Use disposable towels to clean your kitchen and if you use cloth then ensure that they are cleaned and dried after use. Wash fruits and vegetables with cleaning brush and always under running water.

Contaminated meat can contaminate fruits and vegetables too and vice versa. Hence always keep them separate and not just in the kitchen, even in the refrigerator too. Seafood, meat, eggs etc should be separated and this should be followed even in the grocery store. Keep these foods and vegetables and fruits separately. Teach your children to wash their hands when they handle meat, poultry and vegetables. Do not keep the cutting boards where children can reach. It should be cleaned after every use and kept away from children as children are more prone to infections.

Cook properly and completely

Improper cooking methods are one of the reasons why bacteria cause illnesses. Bacteria need to be killed for the food to be safe. Foods need to be checked using a food thermometer to see if the food has reached the right temperature to kill bacteria. Many diseases are caused due to under cooking. In fact, a recent spate of illnesses was attributed to under cooked food in a restaurant. If you use food kept in a refrigerator then you need to heat it properly. Always reheat leftover food thoroughly as it is a den of bacteria.

Foods that have to be kept in a freezer need to be kept in a freezer as soon as you reach home because bacteria will grow fast in such foods. Bacteria grow fast in warm temperatures and hence keeping your food in a cold refrigerator will ensure the food stays good and edible. Defrost food in the refrigerator itself, do not do it in room temperature as bacteria can grow.

Following these food safety practices is beneficial for the health of your family.