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8 Food Products That Are Stealing Your Youth

Some food products accelerate the aging process, steals your youth, beauty and health! It is necessary to limit the consumption of certain foods and keep your skin elastic and youthful.

1. Salt

Too much consumption of salt raises blood pressure, dehydrates the body and disrupts the bone metabolism. Salt is also responsible for the premature aging. Stop eating salt; it causes you to eat more food than it’s needed.

2. Sugar

When sugar gets in the body, it literally pulls calcium from the bones, and it deprives the body of useful trace elements! Sugar makes the skin less elastic and causes arthritis. Replace it with honey and dried fruits.

3. Alcohol

Simply stop with the consumption of any alcoholic beverage. It dehydrates the skin and the entire body. Alcohol causes liver disease and reduces the vitamin A and C levels.

4. Fast food

Fast food is consisted of lot of salt, sugar, and harmful additives and promotes skin aging and violates the hormonal balance. Eating too much fast food blocks up the blood vessels and makes you gain weight.

5. Red meat 

Any meat, especially red meat should be eaten in moderation. It contains many impurities and hormones. Smoked meat contains carcinogens that cause cancer.

6. Coffee

Too much consumption of coffee dehydrates the body and disrupts the work of the kidneys. If you experience dark bags under the eyes and swelling of the morning, then it’s time for you to replace the coffee with some other natural drinks with an invigorating effect such as dried lemongrass.

7. Soy sauce

Soy sauce can contain sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and causes kidney stones and hypertension. It also makes your skin looks more dull.

8. Soft drinks

Lots of sugar, dyes, and empty calories: all this negatively affects the liver and other organs. Replace soft drinks with freshly squeezed natural juices, water with lemon and honey.