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The Best Time Of The Day To Drink Water

We all know that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is essential for the body to function properly. But, do you know what is the right time to drink water?


Here you can find out when is the best time of the day to drink water to stay hydrated and maximize its effectiveness on your body.

8:00 AM – In the Morning

Drinking water on an empty stomach contributes to a healthy level of hydration. Drink 2 glasses of water after waking up to activate your internal organs and remove the toxins from your body.

12:00 PM – Before a Meal

Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion.

02:00 PM – After Lunch

Drinking  1 glass of water an hour after the lunch allows the body to absorb the nutrients better.

04:00 PM – In the Afternoon

During your afternoon snack, have 1 glass of water to freshen your mind.

06:00 PM – Before Dinner

Drink 1 glass of water with a slice of lemon to prevent eating during dinner.

09:00 PM – Before Shower

Drinking 1 glass of water before taking a shower helps lower your blood pressure.

10:00 PM – Before Sleep

Drinking water before bedtime may help to avoid heart attack or stroke. Drink 1 glass of water before going to sleep to replenish any fluid loss that can occur during the night.