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The Best Love Advice from 6 Totally Unexpected Experts

Sometimes you just can’t get all the answers about love. But what if you are not looking in the right place. Maybe your hairstylist or financial planner has your answers.

These 6 unexpected experts give us their best advice on love and relationship.


1. An Advice From a Financial Planner On Trust

“Get comfortable with disclosure. Lay your cards out on the table and be transparent about short- and long-term goals and anything else that could impact your partner. When there’s nothing to hide, you can get to trust so much quicker.” —Shannah Compton Game, certified financial planner.

2. An Advice From a Yoga Instructor On Balance

“Even in the most loving partnerships, the opposing forces of give-and-take will always be in motion. Balance is about offering attention to your partner frequently and genuinely, but being mindful about your own needs too. If lopsidedness endures for too long, figure out how to adjust to get what you need.” —Tiffany Cruikshank, registered yoga instructor, founder of teacher training program Yoga Medicine.

3. An Advice From a Car Mechanic On Date Nights

“Having a regular date night with your significant other is akin to changing the oil in your car. Saying ‘I love you’ could be compared to checking your tire pressure. Neglect the relationship and it’s sure to fail on you way too soon.” —Toby Schultz, ASE-certified master technician.

4. An Advice From a Flight Attendant On Listening

“You need to think of the other person’s feelings. Listen to what they have to say and work on truly hearing what they’re sharing. It’s just as important to admit your own faults and your contributions that led to a disagreement.” —Sanci, Toronto flight attendant.

5. An Advice From an Interior Decorator On Negotiation

“Embrace the mix of things you both bring to the relationship. It’s a given that you and your significant other are not identical twins: Expect that there will often be different tastes and preferences at play. It’s all about getting on board with your unique, eclectic personalities and making them work together.” —Lesley Myrick, interior stylist.

6. An Avice From a Hairstylist On Acceptance

“Good partners love you even on bad hair days. The best other half wants you to be the most authentic version of yourself, and they’re accepting as you grow and change. They make you feel gorgeous but also like you.” —Kate Allen, hairstylist at Salon by Milk + Honey in Austin, Texas.