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6 Reasons You Should Consider Diatomaceous Earth Detox

When you hear the word “diatomaceous earth”, you probably think it is some scientific term for god-knows-what. But it is just a term used for a natural product made up of fossilized remains of tiny organisms called diatoms. The skeletons of diatoms are made of silica, and over a long period of time, the diatoms accumulate in the sediment of streams, lakes, oceans, rivers, and much more. Silica is mined from these areas. Think of DE as just another food product that is derived from silica, same as silicon dioxide.

DE comes in the form of white powder. In addition to food manufacturing, it can be used in water filtering, and skin products to eliminate free radicals. There are many benefits of consuming diatomaceous earth. We will look at the benefits, and explain the detox plan.

Top 6 benefits


As mentioned, one of the many uses and benefits of DE is to act as a detoxifying agent. There is a full detox plan based on diatomaceous earth. Consuming DE kills off parasites and viruses in your body. That prevents illnesses and cleans the blood, all for a price of almost nothing.

In addition, other detox benefits include reducing odors, cleansing the digestive tract, absorbing harmful toxins within the blood and flushing them later, and improving the function of your liver.

Silica works very similarly as antioxidants. That means it retains its traits as a stable particle, allowing it to fight free radical damage. Silica is broken down into a colloidal form, acting as a detox agent for the blood by carrying an electrical charge that attaches to toxins.

Purify water

Not all DE products are used for consumption. As you will see later on, there are three types and forms of diatomaceous earth, and one of them is used for purifying the water. Many filtration products include DE, one of which is the trademark brand name Celite.

In the same way DE can detox your body and clean your bloodstream from toxins, it can filtrate water as well. Companies use DE for water filters preventing tap water toxicity, and purification practices for fish tanks.

Improve joint, bones, and ligaments health

Dietary silicon is beneficial to bone and connective tissue. Thanks to this, silicon, or DE to be precise, helps prevent low bone mass. Osteoporosis is the silent epidemic of the 21st century.

DE helps with normal bone metabolism and joint formation. Over the past 30 years there have been several studies showing that dietary silicon intake can improve your bone mineral density.

Clean and protect skin, nails, and teeth

We mentioned that DE has abrasive qualities and kills parasites. Because of that DE is used in many toothpastes, skin exfoliators, polishes, and skin scrubs. DE works in the same way as bentonite clay, as in dries out harmful toxins and leaves behind a clean and smooth skin.

Kills insects and harmful substances in your home

DE is classified under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act in America as a safe substance for household use. That means that you can use it to get rid of insects in your home. DE absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects exoskeletons. As a result, they dehydrate and die of water deficiency.

In your home, DE can help with bed bugs, house dust mite, ants, flea, and cockroaches. And it is much safer to use than harsh chemicals.

Fight parasites

One study has found that DE can control parasites. The study was conducted by observing hens that produce organically free-range eggs. Giving DE improved their production of eggs and the quality of the eggs.

Popular uses

Diatomaceous earth can be used both inside and outside of the body. It is safe for both humans and animals to consume. In addition, DE is beneficial for the skin. According to the Drug Administration, DE is graded as “generally recognized as safe”. That means you can add it in different types of foods and beverages, as well as supplements. There are more than 150-pesticide related products registered for both indoors and outdoors use. Here are some popular products:

– Cat and dog products to kill fleas

– Pet nutrition products

– Rodent sprays

– Foods and beverages, beer and wine

– Supplements and medicine

– Rubbers and paints used in construction

– Skin care products

– Water filters

– Toothpastes

– Anti-caking ingredients used in food manufacturing

– Bed bug killing treatments

– Sprays and products used to kill bugs

How to use

DE comes in several different forms. You can find it in granulated form, which is a raw material made from crushing silica. This is usually available as a powder and it is safe for consumption. Milled or micronized form is a very fine form used for insecticides and pesticides. Last, but not least, you have calcined diatomaceous earth, which is heat-treated and activated form used in water filtering.

Here are several ways for how to use diatomaceous earth.

– Take one teaspoon of food grade DE with water once per day. Use on empty stomach, one hour before eating

– Drink an additional cup of water after consuming DE to improve the effects

– Stay hydrated and drink water through the day

– As times goes by, you can increase your dosage, working your way to 2 teaspoons per day at maximum. When you get to 2 teaspoons, split the dosage: one teaspoon in the morning, and one in the evening

– Take DE for 10 days on and 10 days off for 90 days for a safe detox

Fair warning: you might experience mild side effects in the beginning as your gut environment changes. Your body starts releasing stored toxins, and it is normal to feel side effects like mild headaches, flu-like symptoms, and fatigue. They should go away in a week or two.

Are there any side effects?

Some people have experienced irritation and other side effects when consuming DE. However, DE is generally considered safe to use and consume.

One explanation is that diatomaceous earth can irritate the nose and nasal passages when you breathe it in. Also, consuming it in large amounts can lead to shortness of breath. That is why you need to follow the guidelines on safe consumption and how much can you consume per day.

DE has the potential to irritate the skin and cause mild irritation. If you have sensitive skin, it is recommended that you monitor symptoms and be wary of any strong and serious reactions.

Last, but not least, make sure to keep diatomaceous earth away from babies and small children. They might experience different irritations.